HaikuDepot is not a very good name

Yeah, the whole reason this thread exists in the first place is because someone didn’t really like the name “HaikuDepot”.

Regarding the dual-naming of CLI vs GUI, many popular CLI tools have this sort of system, mainly because it is the GUI (usually an independently developed piece of software) interfacing with the CLI, which means that you can have different GUIs called different things interfacing with the same CLI tool. I’m not sure if that is how HaikuDepot and pkgman interact though, if that is the case, then that means it’s possible for other pkgman GUIs to be made too.


Any time we have enough users out there and companys create and sell software for it we can need a ‘store’. :wink:

And yes different storages are possibe.

It is not, pkgman, package and HaikuDepot are all frontends for the same library, the package kit, but neither is a frontend for any other tool.
You can develop other GUI applications or commandline applications if you want (for example, a dependency visualizer/graphing tool could be usefull for porting, aswell as a tool to check a repos integrity (finding uninstallable packages))


It’s ok to dislike the name. When Be Inc named their appstore BeDepot, I bet some users didn’t like that name as well.


Majority is not with you.

HaikuDepot is a good name.


The point here is that it’s okay to have a different opinion, even if the majority of the people here disagree with you. We should respect other’s opinions even when they conflict with our own.


a name is a name some people like your name some do not

Classic Python - ROFL

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For goodness sake, don’t get bogged down in things that are unimportant.

HaikuDepot is a perfectly reasonable name. Perhaps there are better ones, perhaps not. Who cares?

There are MUCH more important things in life to worry about.


@Sebrof, I was going to write exactly the same !!!


Yet everyone feels the need to reply to this thread which had been dormant for 7months… :sweat_smile:


It took me 10 minutes to get used it being called HD.

I don’t like the words “Shop, Store” It denotes commercialization right in the OS.

Also ‘familiar’ or ‘same’ I think is not really that important. I’m seeing that the majority of newcomers are downloading Haiku because they want different, they want to break out of the currently pervasive set of norms that have created an environment that has over consumerized every aspect of digital technology.

Haiku Depot is a solid name, it also allows for other features to be incorporated into the application at another time (Think a tab with an RSS feed on news, spotlight on apps etc)

Also if you don’t like the name, you could fork the application to just change the name :wink:


I think this discussion was dead and buried already

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Just was sharing thoughts… Sorry. I notice that bumping old threads seems to get on people’s nerves. Maybe there could be a way to lock threads after 90 days?

No need to apologise. People have differing views about thread resurrection, personally I see no harm opening an old thread in the case where there is new stuff to add, but I see also that often it does not make sense. In this case I only meant that the name is decided on and thus further discussion is moot, particularly if you support the name: The argument was already won years ago :slight_smile:

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App Depot
Software Depot

HaikuDepot is a good name


Thanks for everyone’s input.
HaikuDepot called to inform it grew up with this name and doesn’t want it changed. Maybe once it gets married, but that’s not something to think about now – still too young to settle down, it said…
