Haikudepot is almost empty

the last time i installed haiku (last month) haikudepot was full of programs, now is almost empty, i can’t even find transmission or telegram…there is something i can do or maybe i just need to update the system?

Please, check if you don’t have enabled the check “show only featured packages” or something like that in the HaikuDepot options (sorry, I’m not in Haiku now, so I can’t upload an screenshot).

thanks, i will :slight_smile:

Also make sure the Repositories preferences show the correct repo URLs.
In Terminal pkgman list-repos does the same:

~/Desktop> pkgman list-repos
                base-url:  https://packages.haiku-os.org/haiku/master/x86_gcc2/current
                priority:  1
                base-url:  https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/repository/x86_gcc2/current
                priority:  1

that solved my issue…shame on me for not having seen that little checkbox :slight_smile:

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Great! :beers:
If you have more questions, feel free to ask :slight_smile:

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There’s no shame, that’s what the forum is for :slight_smile:

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We should really make this checkbox more visible. A lot of people can’t find that option.


Helpful would be to have a link to the haiku guides of the program (in all ones)

There’s this patch that would improve the situation (IMO)…

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And now I’ve just merged that.