HaikuDepot crashes after opening

Wanted to install some application. Opened haikudepot…crashes immediately after opening
anyone else facing this issue? asking to see if a ticket needs to be raised or not…

It works well over here. Have you tried deleting the settings in /boot/home/config/settings/HaikuDepot ? Settings can get corrupted. Deleting them forces the app to recreate them the next time. That surprisingly often fixes things.

They shouldn’t. Does that happen often?

@san2ban, if it’s still crashing, please get a debug log running it from the Terminal with HaikuDepot -v debug, the messages may give a hint on what’s happening, and get the crash report. If you are deleting the settings, please save them somewhere else instead, as that may help in determining how they got corrupted.

Thanks. Will do in the evening and report…at work now…

Settings can get corrupted. Deleting them forces the app to recreate them the next time. That surprisingly often fixes things.

Hi @michel :wave: – if you do see this again, can you please capture some log trace. The application should detect any corrupted downloaded data files, shift them aside and download fresh data.

FYI; I am currently working through a fairly significant refactor of the application data-processing logic focussed on faster startup. It is going to take a while to complete though.


I am often getting a crash, this is because I open haikudepot and immidiently type to search stuff. Ideally I would like to work directly with cached data instead of having to wait for the network. : )

When I typed haikudepot -v debug in terminal, it opened haikudepot in verbose mode, with a lot of info. it did not crash

when I opened haikudepot from tracker, and tried to search a package, it crashed immediately

As nephle informed earlier, again, I opened haikudepot from tracker but waited for some time before typing anything…now, it did not crash. It showed the packages

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I have the systematic/reproducible issue in HaikuDepot where if I start searching for a package before HD has finished its initial query to the server to load the package list, it will crash.
So I need HD to finish it’s initial query before doing a search.

Can I confirm that the problem you are seeing is centric around searching early (before it is has completed initialization?) or do you see the problem even if you wait for it to finish?

It is related to searching. I do not have a crash if I let HD fully initialize before attempting a search.

I will try to provide you more details over the weekend ( verbose output, syslog, etc)

I only see it during the initial search.

I have opened a ticket: #19400 (HaikuDepot: crash when seaching in initial querry) – Haiku

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Thanks for that. I’m currently working through a big refactor of the data processing in the application and I suspect that it will deal with this problem as a side-effect. Let’s see…