Haiku won't build under BeOS R5 PE anymore

I’m getting a “You need gcc-2.95.3-haiku-[number] over at haiku-os.org” error message, when I type “configure”. Yet I can’t locate it anywhere here at haiku-os.org. And it’s not over at BeBits either. I’ve downloaded the latest buildtools and tried making them (using configure --make-build-tools /[path to buildtools]), but when I type “jam -q haiku-image”, it tells me that there’s no BuildConfig (or whatever) in generated/build! It wants me to run configure again!

I got a wierd “*** End Error 2” (or something) when I tried the “configure --make-build-tools…” thing. Anevilyak tells me that’s an error message that basically means that “make-build-tools” didn’t happen or something.

I figured, since Darkwyrm wrote the original “How To Get Haiku” file, he would be the best one to revise it to take these new changes into account… but… his Earthlink account is down, due to inactivity.

Anyone here still use BeOS R5 to build Haiku, or is everyone using Ubuntu Linux nowadays? Someone HAS to have an answer…

H E L P !!!


Since this is a development related question, you are more likely to get an answer by posting a message to the [haiku-development] mailing list.


Good luck!


it is at the bottom of that page with a link to bebits

or do you already have that?

R5’s native compiler can no longer compile Haiku - it must be cross-compiled using the Haiku cross-compiler.

That is what the recent fuss is about :slight_smile:

Oh, most definitely. What I want to know is, whether or not it can yet be done, using the latest gcc (the one “configure” keeps telling me to get at haiku-os.org, yet IT’S NOT HERE!!!) And it’s not available at BeBits either.

So, pray tell, WHY is “configure” telling me to get a file I can’t get, at a location that doesn’t yet have the file that it’s telling me to get?

Why not simply have “configure” say: “At this present time, the updated file you now need (gcc-2.95.3-haiku-[number]), is presently unavailable, to perform a BeOS R5-hosted build of Haiku. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Please wait patiently until such time as we are able to make it available to you, on haiku-os.org, BeBits, or HaikuWare.”

I’d be a lot happier. But, instead, I’m pulling my hair out trying to find a file that I can’t locate and/or (if it can be compiled for BeOS R5) can’t locate a proper tutorial on how to build, specifically for BeOS R5.

This is what has me all “bent out of shape” and has my “knickers in a twist”… as the saying goes. :slight_smile:


Is there a binary available online? If not, would it not make sense to post the binary in the Downloads page so that people can grab it?


it is at the bottom of that page with a link to bebits

or do you already have that?[/quote]

I have the latest GCC for BeOS R5 (gcc-2.95.3-beos-07something). It was working great until Bonefish decided to make some change that now renders it utterly impotent! Now I need some new version that “configure” says can be gotten at haiku-os.org… but it isn’t. At least, not that I’ve found! And thus… here we are. For what good it does… I hope.


Is there a binary available online? If not, would it not make sense to post the binary in the Downloads page so that people can grab it?

A M E N, brother Mare! Yes… you, too, must have seen the oddly strange reference within “configure” that tells you to get a file (here at haiku-os.org) that… you CAN’T GET! :slight_smile: Let us band together, one and all, and bring this issue to it’s knees and beg for forgiveness! Hallelujah!

Ok, dripping, ranting sarcasm (concerning this issue) has now been deactivated… :slight_smile:


There has been a notification on the Haiku developers list. See announcement here:


What you need to do is grab the new version of GCC (label 23/March/2008) which installs the compiler to the /boot/apps/haiku directory. Then you need to configure the cross compiler tool chain with the following command:
“configure --cross-tools-prefix /boot/apps/haiku/cross-

After that, you should be able to build Haiku from any supported BeOS platform (BeOS, Zeta, and even Haiku itself).

The reason why this isn’t published officially yet is that Ingo is waiting for feedback by people running R5 that this works on their system. Currently, only the BONE derivatives are confirmed to work. Once it is confirmed for R5 systems, the official build guidelines will be updated. Geez, it’s only been a week since the update to the toolchain, give is some more time to settle down.

This is actually an excellent change for the better. We can now compile Haiku from any number of environments without worrying about the correct pathing/compiler definitions. This also allows Haiku to easily be compiled with 2 or more compilers (think GCC 4.x support in the future).

Happy compiling.

How will this new compiler affect building BeOS r5 programs?

Will we need to switch between the old and the new?

[quote=Zenja]There has been a notification on the Haiku developers list. See announcement here:


What you need to do is grab the new version of GCC (label 23/March/2008) which installs the compiler to the /boot/apps/haiku directory. Then you need to configure the cross compiler tool chain with the following command:

“configure --cross-tools-prefix /boot/apps/haiku/cross-tools/bin/i586-pc-haiku-”

After that, you should be able to build Haiku from any supported BeOS platform (BeOS, Zeta, and even Haiku itself).

The reason why this isn’t published officially yet is that Ingo is waiting for feedback by people running R5 that this works on their system. Currently, only the BONE derivatives are confirmed to work. Once it is confirmed for R5 systems, the official build guidelines will be updated. Geez, it’s only been a week since the update to the toolchain, give is some more time to settle down.

This is actually an excellent change for the better. We can now compile Haiku from any number of environments without worrying about the correct pathing/compiler definitions. This also allows Haiku to easily be compiled with 2 or more compilers (think GCC 4.x support in the future).

Happy compiling.[/quote]

Quick note…

I followed your message, to the letter, and my BeOS R5 (net-server; non-BONE) began JAM’ing Haiku! I won’t know if it worked, til tomorrow (my system is in the workshop outside and I’m going to bed now), but it shows promise, initially. You’ll all know, in my next reply.



[quote=Zenja]There has been a notification on the Haiku developers list. See announcement here:


What you need to do is grab the new version of GCC (label 23/March/2008) which installs the compiler to the /boot/apps/haiku directory. Then you need to configure the cross compiler tool chain with the following command:
“configure --cross-tools-prefix /boot/apps/haiku/cross-

After that, you should be able to build Haiku from any supported BeOS platform (BeOS, Zeta, and even Haiku itself).

The reason why this isn’t published officially yet is that Ingo is waiting for feedback by people running R5 that this works on their system. Currently, only the BONE derivatives are confirmed to work. Once it is confirmed for R5 systems, the official build guidelines will be updated. Geez, it’s only been a week since the update to the toolchain, give is some more time to settle down.

This is actually an excellent change for the better. We can now compile Haiku from any number of environments without worrying about the correct pathing/compiler definitions. This also allows Haiku to easily be compiled with 2 or more compilers (think GCC 4.x support in the future).

Happy compiling.[/quote]

As of this morning, I can now confirm 100%… on a NON-BONE version of BeOS R5

* * * I T * W O R K S ! ! ! * * *

What I need to know now is… do I still need all the gcc sources I downloaded (and tried, in vain, to build), or can I get rid of all that?

