Haiku Videos

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A little bit too few content. He insists a little too much in that Haiku should be used only on very old computers.

Also, I didnĀ“t pay attention to the version he installed, but from the texts and menus seem to have some errors in the translation. Portuguese-Brazilian has some words and expressions that are not written the same as Portuguese-Portugal.

This is a new video about Haiku from a youtuber specializing in FreeBSD (for some reason embedding from YouTube didnā€™t work properly, but the Odysee version works just fine).
He tried Haiku for the first time, using beta4 (he didnā€™t experiment with nightlys). As he is not a programmer, his review is focusing on the usual topic: applications available. Of course he tried to play a YouTube video in Haiku, but he didnā€™t know there are browsers that can do this.

Not exactly a thorough review, several things I would expect to be noticed are missing. However his verdict is very positive, and praises the snappiness of Haiku several times.



This is a great review. Comprehensive, balanced and fair. It also contains a lot of hints as to what Haiku could do to better cater to new users.

Great video overall. And of course I especially love how he clicks on the leaf menu in the first seconds. :wink: And reads the user guide too.
Iā€™m a bit surprised though that heā€™s wondering twice in the video (at least) if Haiku is still in active development. He does look around on the web site quite a bit in the beginning and the source activity is shown right there. What could we possibly do better here? He could have looked around a bit more and found the nightlies page, but I guess we donĀ“t want to advertise this to new users more prominently.

15 posts were split to a new topic: How to schedule releases

23 posts were split to a new topic: Nobody ainā€™t readinā€™ no more

I have found a youtube channel by the name of ā€œInside Haiku Appsā€, they seem to have an entire series of reviewing applications running on Haiku. Neat!

I watched this here, but obviously for ā€œengagementā€ (to give the user views) would be on youtube itself.


They let just anybody have a YouTube channel these days. :grinning:

Seriously, though, glad you like it.


@michelā€™s channel is great for introducing Haiku to beginners, but even regular Haiku users will find useful information there. He points out whatā€™s available in Haiku objectively, explaining details when necessary, and he isnā€™t afraid to mention things that could be improved. In my opinion, this ā€œnon-crusaderā€ stance makes the channel more trustworthy.

Note that @michel also has a second channel talking about Yab in two playlists, for beginners in programming and for people already familiar with Basic but not Yab, specifically.


Nice one (havenā€™t finished), but his comment on the icons is hillarious. :smiley: