Haiku User Map

Inspired by our “Where are you from?” megathread with more than 400 replies and SerenityOSs User Map, I thought it would be an interesting idea to recreate that thing for Haiku and see where users and developers are located.
And so I did, it only took me a couple of hours.
It’s hosted using Codeberg Pages, so changes to the repository should, in theory, be visible online nearly in real-time.
The map uses the great non-profit OpenStreetMap maps service and is open-source under MIT license at haiku-usermap/pages: A (unofficial) map showing where in the world the Haiku developers and users are. - Codeberg.org

You can add yourself by creating a pull request on Codeberg, or if you don’t have a Codeberg account, you can instead simply send me your YAML snippet (example see on Codeberg) as private message here on the forum.
Let’s see how many Haiku users there are :slight_smile:


We have one already.


Where did you find that one?
I’ve never seen anything about a user map here or on the website.
Well,now we have a ungoogled open-source one as well,can’t hurt :rofl:

In the links list of Where are you from, Haiku / BeOS user?

Ah,found it,thanks.
Not going to click any Google links,but good to know it exists.
Must be somewhere in the very early posts way before I came to Haiku,so I missed it.

Happy new year !!

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Your map appears to have one single user, while the existing one has more than 300 (currently 366 to be precise). It would be nice to not restart from scratch.

I have exported the data from the Google one which I’ve been keeping up to date from the topic:


Some of the markers have coordinates where I hand tweaked them because several people were in the same city and showing on top of each other. Others have just a city and country name or sometimes just a country name.

Also, due to an user error when I inmported the data, the location column is named “San Nicolas, Argentina”. There is no way to rename it after creating the map, so it stayed that way. Besides that and the nickname, it also include a flag indicating who is a Haiku contributor, that displays a marker in a different color in the Google map.

It used to be visible in the first post of the topic as “popular link” but that feature seems to be gone in current version of the forum software. So I guess that’s why it went a bit un-noticed.

I hope you can find a way to reuse this data and import it in your new map. And I hope people can continue to participate by just a forum message, and not by sending a pull request, because that would make things significantly more annoying and likely less succesful.

With so much users, it would be interesting to switch to a different style of map, showing the number of users “close together” in an area and showing more details as you zoom in, but I’m not sure Google maps allows to do this.


I agree that it’s better to use existing data now that we have it.
When I have some spare time again (probably at the weekend),I’ll write a converter that transforms the export into the new YAML format and import it into the new map.
Having the coordinates not exactly match is a good idea,since the new map would probably have the same issue with it.
Flagging who is a contributor is also a feature already present in the new map.

I thought it’s better to add people only on request and not automatically for posting in a forum topic,but if you say that’s fine and have always done so,I can continue this way.
I can also grant you permissions on the repository so you can help adding new users if you want to.

The idea with users close together should be possible since OpenStreetMap/LeafletJS is rather flexible,but it needs additional code from my side.
It’s a nice idea,but I’ll keep that for later when basic features work and data is imported.

What the old data doesn’t have,unfortunately,is custom links for each user.
I can easily generate a forum link,assuming the user name in the export is always the one used in the forum.
But that’s not a huge issue,older entries will only have a forum link (unless updated) and new users can put links in their post or send me a private message.

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It is their display name at the time they posted the message. So there may be some lost ones. But, yes, if people really want to have a specific link, it’s always possible to update it later.

Ideally the forum topic would have a pinned post to make sure people understand that their data will be used for a map. I’d say it doesn’t matter much, when the data is exposed on the forum publicly anyways.

Once the data is moved over I will delete the Google maps version, and that will be one more thing off Google, nice :smiley:


This is strange, WebPositive (latest nightly as of today) tries to load the user map but does not render anything, progress bar stays at roughly 50%, nothing happens.
This slowly kills WebPositive, even closing the tab does not help, eventually it just dies silently and you can only kill the app process.

The repo page works fine, just not the map itself.
Also, the Google map included as a frame is not rendered in this message:

Works fine in latest IceWeasel on Haiku though.
Anyone else experiencing this?

done, first PR is in:)

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I tested the map in LibreWolf,haven’t checked WebPositive yet.
Maybe it’s using some features not properly supported by WebPositive,that would need to be fixed then.

The map is also not loaded here,I thought that’s because I generally block all Google stuff using uBlock Origin,but I was surprised that it doesn’t show any blocked items.
I’d prefer the forum just displaying links instead of directly embedding random third-party stuff without asking for consent,anyways…

Thanks,merged :tada:

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I fixed a major bug in WebKit yesterday related to this, but I have not yet made a new release. I want to see if I can get it compiling on 32 bit first (latest releases can’t, the compiler runs out of memory).


The old data is now imported into the new map thanks to @madmax who sent me the data converted into the new YAML format :tada:


This is now also implemented by @madmax :tada:
I just merged his latest pull request.

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