Hey, I have a slight problem and I hope that there is a solution to my dillema. I finally was successful installing Haiku in Virtualbox, but now when I start the OS it just hangs at the boot screen. It tells me that everything has loaded (the icons light up under the haiku logo) but then it just sits there and doesn’t boot in. I set the virtual machine with 20Gb of HD space and 2048mb of RAM and 12mb of graphic acceleration, with 3D acceleration disabled. Can anybody help? The install was smooth and fast and I have not gotten any error messages of any kind. I also have guest additions installed. Also if it’s of any use, after installing it prompted me to quit so that it could restart after installing, but when I clicked quit, it just sat there and I had to manually shut down the virtual machine. Sorry for all the mumbo jumbo, but I really want to test and help develop Haiku. Currently I am running Virtualbox on a MacBook Pro with OS X Lion. If you need more specs I can give them.
OK, I am succesfully running Haiku Alpha3 under VB in Lion on a late 2010 iMac, so Let me give you my settings:
Name Haiku
OS Other
Version Other/Unkmown
Shared Clipboard Disabled
Removable media OFF
Mini toolbar Show
Base mem 2327 MB
Boot order HD, CDROM
Chipset PIIX3
iO APIC on, everything else OFF
4CPUs (out of 8, cores, actually, but VB sees them as separate CPUs)
Nested Paging ON
1 monitor
3d ON
2d OFF
Adapter 1
Bridged adapter
en1: Wi-Fi (Airport)
Advanced: Intel Pro/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)
Cable connected ON
Enable USB
Enable USB2.0
If you can get it running with these settings, you can start making changes one at a time and see what happens. I suspect the 3d ON/2D OFF setting is the culprit. I have seen problems with 2d set to ON.
Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea what half of the above settings actually mean. This is largely a question of trial and error and a lot of googling. PAE/NX? Is that a kind of pizza?
I tried your settings, and it boots perfectly now! I love it! Still a lot to learn about Haiku, but I’ll get there some day. Thanks for the help (again) Michel! I appreciate it! and if PAE/NX isn’t a pizza…maybe it should be
I followed your instructions and got VirtualBox running r1alpha3. Thanks for the post. I couldn’t get VB to work and had to resort to qemu-kvm instead.
PAE - “… Physical Address Extension (PAE) is a feature to allow (32-bit) x86 processors to access a physical address space (including random access memory and memory mapped devices) larger than 4 gigabytes.” Taken from Wikipedia.