Haiku on EeePC 701 - Some questions to other EeePC users

Hello Haiku Community!

I’ve followed the project and been a lurker at the mailing lists and the website since OpenBeOS begun.

Some weeks ago I downloaded one of the nightly builds and installed at my EeePC 701 and was surprised at how fast it is! Still an alpha release, I’m very happy to say that most things just works!

However, there are a couple of things that I want to ask other EeePC users out there.

  1. Has anyone got Haiku to run at 900 Mhz? I can only get it to run in 630 Mhz. I’ve tried the modified BIOS at http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=69357 but the boot process seems to hang (no error message, just stops) when booting at 900 Mhz.

  2. Has anyone got the web camera to work? Using CodyCam I get the error message “Can’t connect the video source to the video window”.

  3. Has anyone got the PowerStatus to work?

Any other tips on how to improve my Haiku experience on the EeePC is very welcome :slight_smile:

Thank you!

EDIT: Btw, I forgot to mention that I’m currently running revision 35012.

Has anyone noticed that color depth only works at 8 bpp ? Uhmm, I need to tests against alpha release.

i have booted Haiku on an EeePC 701 myself, and never attempted to increase the clock speed, so can’t help there.

Haiku currrently doesn’t support webcams, so Codycam is just a useless app at the moment.

To enable the power status though, you have to enable ACPI and toggle other options in the file ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel by uncommenting the respective line. Rebbot, then try the power status. Beware though, when i did this on my EeePC 701 it caused many trips to KDL. I don’t know about new revs but i wouldn’t enable ACPI on a production system.

Thank you The123king, got Power Status to work. Got to KDL after a short while and continue did not work, so I probably will not use it much. Will keep trying to see if I can get it to run in 900 Mhz, though.

My thoughts on Haiku on EeePC 701 so far: Amazingly fast! Boots in ~15 seconds. Got wifi and audio to work out of the box. Can read (and write? haven’t tried yet) to USB-sticks.

Will definitly keep Haiku on the EeePC (dual booting with Crunchbang Linux)!

I gave my 701 away now, but i have one of those lovely 901’s which runs Haiku brilliantly too. I’ve not fiddled with it too much as i use as a production system, so i couldn’t give you any info on that model.

I finally got it to run in 900 Mhz! What I did was that I downloaded Bios Update Tool by Anarethos [1] and installed BIOS revision 0511 test 705. About This System now shows 900 Mhz and I’m happy :slight_smile:

[1] http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=9104
See post #17 for instructions and post #153 for download link.

EDIT: Updated the BIOS again to a later version due to problems with the fan starting to spin (and make a helluva noise). There are software for linux and windows to set the FSB so I suppose this could be done for Haiku as well.

I also run on my 701 the Haiku nightly builds. Similar experience as you said above.

I do not bother with 900 MHz, because I just use it for casual browsing (with Arora) and 630 is just fine.

I too use it mostly for casual browsing, but there are some things that would make me switch for good, like a working MSN client, LaTeX and Dropbox. I suppose all that will come eventually :slight_smile:

I will like very much to install Haiku on my eeePC 701. But I use it only as mobile Internet device. For that I use Huawei 220 connected to USB and Elisa’s 3G wireless..

Are there any possibilities to get that combination to work?

With anything like wvdial in linux?

[quote=fossiili]I will like very much to install Haiku on my eeePC 701. But I use it only as mobile Internet device. For that I use Huawei 220 connected to USB and Elisa’s 3G wireless..

Are there any possibilities to get that combination to work?

With anything like wvdial in linux?[/quote]

Not in Haiku, Haiku don’t support wlan in USB and have no Huawei 220 driver.

How did everyone install Haiku? I’m getting an EeePc soon and I’d love to put Haiku on it.

I personally downloaded a raw image, put it on a usb stick, booted up, than from Haiku started the installer.

Haiku’s up and running on my EeePC now but I sound is detected at all and I’m note sure how to configure the wireless settings?
Anyone wanna give a hint haha ?