Haiku names

it says Haiku0S, which isn’t its name it’s just Haiku

a bloody word filter XD


Doesn’t have to be filtered

Haiku0S already gets filtered,

Edit: yes it gets filtered to Haiku, likely because you got elevated privleges it deosn’t affect you but it does for me.

I do not support this style of aggressive censorship in restricting the means of human expression. Writing “Haiku-OS” or “НaikuOS” is not a crime and does no harm to anyone, even imagined.

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I don’t see how you think it matters if this is a crime or not? This forum already mangles emoji, but apparently that’s what people wanted. Boohoo.

Please don’t open this useless discussion again.

Cell: It only doesn’t get filtered because I employed a unicode Hack, I was making a joke : )

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Imagine if everyone kept mispelling your first name or using another vaguely similar one. How would you feel? Personally I don’t like it. It is disrespectful. Especially if I tell people that they’re using the wrong name, and they continue to do it intentionally.

  1. Incorrect spelling or saying something in other words automatically does not mean name-calling with the purpose of insulting.
  2. Imagining something happening and actually having something happen are different things.
  3. Feelings are not as important as some people think, and they can often be deceptive and inadequate.
  4. “Haiku-OS” is not a misnomer, it is even unofficially official (see the web address).
  5. “Haiku.OS” can’t be an insult because it’s neither a misspelling nor a misrepresentation of the name with malicious intent, Haiku is a (computer) operating system, that’s a fact! Thus, the name “Haiku.OS” is possible, although not officially registered/accepted.
  6. The use of slang instead of a formal name does not mean intentional insult.
  7. My name is often misspelt by foreigners. It doesn’t offend me, although sometimes the ignorance of foreigners can be a bit annoying. But that’s how they are, they know what they know and don’t know what they don’t know. Why should I stress about it or force my beliefs on them?

@damoklas :

  1. The name of the OS is Haiku.

Seriously, why do we have to have this discussion. Again, our beloved operating system is called Haiku. It’s not going to change. Of course you can call it Haiku-OS (or any of the variations mentioned above) as much as you like. Nobody is going to sue you or have you arrested. Why do you feel the need to argue about it? We’re not going to agree with you, no matter how many times you repeat it.


That is because we couldn’t get haiku.org, IIRC.


Who is this “we”, do you represent some secret group of people?

I don’t think the entire community if Haiku users and developers is a secret group?

But since you invented the idea of an “unofficially official” name, I see you are willing to ignore reality to make your point. You are free to dream in your alternate world where Haiku is called Haiku-OS if you want, but it is just a dream. In the real world, it is called Haiku and just Haiku.


Names are important, but not all-important.
i like Haiku (the OS, i am indifferent to the lyric artform), i run Hiaku, but i dont much care if someone called it Haiku or Haiku-OS.
(also, i google Haiku and visit haiku-os.org)


it is funny to talk about this with the filter :wink:

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Except that in this case, it is an AI that made the mistake. Somehow, as they are supposed to know better than humans, and because they can spread it; it is more annoying.

This is at best propaganda by advocates, but usually just a gross misunderstanding of how AI works. Think of it more as a computer summary of something, but with limited data (that was not provided).

Computer generated summary image would be a more accurate description than “Designed by artifical intelligence”.


Problem is, too much people believe the AIs. “I used ai to generate it, so it must be correct”. Even when the thing is some monstrous allucination :slight_smile:

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As a former tech guy, I’m aware of that. That’s just how these things are sold and how most people see them.
In French AI is wrongly translated as “Intelligence Artificielle”. At first glance, it seems OK.
The problem is that the word intelligence has not the same meaning. For us, even if it can be used in rare occasion by scholars or secret service as information, 99% of time it is used as the ability to think by yourself and being self aware.
For example Skynet in Terminator series could be defined as an IA.

I guess that same kind of translations are existing in various languages.
Of course AI providers are aware that they are abusive appellations but they won’t kill the golden goose, will they?

Curiously, Russian language is at advantage here, since people commonly call this things нейронка, which is short of “neural network” (neural thing, if more precisely). Нейросеть (neural network) is also commonly used.

Wait, did I miss something? Is Haiku‍OS filtered here? What’s the big deal. I usually say Haiku when referring it to someone who knows what I’m talking about. Anything else I’ll say Haiku‍OS. (Edit: actually I’ll type Haiku two words) (Searching on Brave or Google). I don’t want to read a bunch of poetry when I’m dealing with an OS.

Anyway, nobody should be taking this personally at all. Both terms are acceptable, in the same way I can say Mac or MacOS or OS X, or NeXTSTEP instead of OpenStep. It really doesn’t matter.

Edit: I really actually want to know the person who made the decision to autocorrect my typing of Haiku‍OS without my knowledge. Not even a notification. But also why are we doing that at all? Who has some ego issue? I know the operating system itself could care less. The only thing I wish I could correct is people pronouncing Linux as Lynn-ucks instead of the correct way, Linux.

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Sigh. Come on, let`s be grown up and rational people here, shall we? Of course there are no ominous secret groups or anything like that. I was simply speaking for the community (or at least the rational minded part that at least agrees that our OS is called Haiku), even though I’m in no formal position whatsoever to do so.

But that`s completely beside the point. Again: What do you want to achieve with this discussion? Is there any possible positive outcome that helps our community or improves our OS? If not, then please let’s stop.

Since I was only recently appointed moderator I’m not going to lock this thread myself, unless advised by senior moderators or developers.

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We are a secret cabal of Haiku developers making decisions in a dimly lit smoky back room and our “unofficially official” name is Walter. :wink: