Haiku name vote results

I have a question about the history of the Haiku name selection. General FAQ briefly mentions it:

OpenBeOS was eventually renamed to Haiku to avoid trademark conflicts. The name “Haiku” got the most votes in a public poll in late 2002. Competing candidates were: Auros, Begin, Dysis, Firebox, Firefly, Forge, Indigo, Infinity, Jaffa, Mantis, Menlo, Nemo, Nova, Terra.

Old HaikuWare page contained way more details. The site is no more available, luckily there’s the archived copy.

But it lacks the answer to an interesting question:

  1. How was the allocation of votes to the different name-proposals?
    TODO (Michael Phipps looks into it. Thx)

In the archived copy there’s just a TODO and the link to the related discussion where Michael Phipps states:

Allocation of votes - I can dig that up, I think. I have my old BeOS hard drive

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the voting results before but cannot find it anywhere atm. Does anyone still have that data available?

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The vote took place on sourceforge, but there was no public result of the vote, it was only announced at WalterCon in 2004.




Photo from WalterCon 2004.