Haiku monthly activity report, September/October 2018 | Haiku Project

Welcome to the tenth monthly report for 2018! PulkoMandy is busy packing and then travelling to BeGeistert, and most of the work these past two months was done by myself anyway, so, I’m covering for him once again. (Writing about yourself in the third person is fun!)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/waddlesplash/2018-10-31_haiku_activity_report_septemberoctober_2018/

Great progress!

Haiku has the momentum and traction, and this is good. I glad to see solved some long standing annoying issues. As always, congrats to all the developers, contributors and testers. Also glad to see expectation of next Beta next year.

On the administrative side of things, I glad to see healthy professional atmosphere in Haiku project and in ports. @Barrett, your hard work and your skills are greatly appreciated, really.

very good… thanks to all contributor…

i’m suprised today that java show on depot… hope java show ton x86_64 soon…

Great work!

Does Swing work with this java port?

It does, there’s even a screenshot of a Swing app in the report.