Thanks for another great Haiku monthly progress report.
I noted that, with the improvements made to the USB3 code, some systems are said to be able to boot to the desktop from an USB3 port. Should there be a post about these systems so that 1) knows which ones can do this, and 2) users can add to it as the word spreads around?
@PulkoMandy, regarding this new screen brightness control, would it be possible to expose it as a shell utility at some point? Those who don’t have a proper ACPI support will then be able to hook up some shortcuts to the corresponding F-keys.
Wow, that sounds like a great amount of progress! Once again, thanks for reporting it Adrien and thanks to those who choose to and are able to dedicate their time to this project!
I added the API to BScreen, so yes, this could be easily added to screenmode or a new command line tool. I’m leaving this as an exercise for the reader for now (until I get bored of opening screen prefs to adjust it myself, at least…)
The coding sprint was 7 people working full-time on Haiku for a week, with pretty long days (something like 14 hours per day - 9AM to 12AM with two short pauses for lunch and dinner). So you can clearly see the difference between people hacking at Haiku during a few hours of their free time, and what a full-time team could achieve (although the 14 hours per day thing isn’t sustainable for more than one week - this is why we call this a “sprint”).
It also happens that a lot of work had been running in the background that was finally completed and delivered this month. I will run gitstats on the github and haikuports repos again, probably in january or february, so we can see the effect of this and GCI on the overall Haiku activity.
Thanks again to everyone who donated to Haiku inc to make the event possible (it paid for the bedrooms and food for everyone)!
From my own examination, I believe a native Haiku backend is being created, the repo is found here: Make sure to look in the haiku branch.