Haiku Menu Should Be Changed

Ok, Better late then never, if anyone is still reading this thread

I loaded Haiku last night, just so I could look at the menu
And see what it was that was different from BeOS

Its not the expanding menu
Its the expanding meanu when you click on a file

With Haiku, they added a couple more choices, and that makes it look way overdone and bloated
It used to be simple, copy or move here

Now it has recent folders, or home and root folders, etc
Now that I can agree with you on. that over blown new way is so linuxed and microsofted up its unreal. You might as well update every little movement

How about a mouse menu, that moves your mouse back 25 pixels when you click it
Just for those people that might move a mouse to the right by accident, and then not know how to move it back left again ?

You could just right click, hold ctrl-m -m -b, and then look through the menu for,
move mouse back to where it was 10 seconds ago

Or hey, why not expand on that, and add, 5 seconds ago, 10 seconds ago, 15 seconds ago, etc

The only thing I ever missed form microsoft when using BeOS
Was the right click to undo feature
IE, right click and choose undo rename, or undo move delete

But the only reason I ever needed something like that, was because the menu items were so close together, that sometimes you hit one by mistake while trying to click a different one

That used to piss me off in BeOS, when I would fudge up and click on a file while typing etc
Or moving the mouse, etc

And the file name would change, but because I was using BeOS, where I did not know every single file name by heart, I did not know what the old name used to be

So in other words, I changed a file name by accident, and then could not change it back, because I did not know the old file name, or extension

That is something that could be changed in Haiku
It is way to easy to click on a file, and have it jump to rename mode
In BeOS I learned real fast, to always click on the file icon and not the file name
Which is not always real easy to do

Why not just throw that option out the door, make file renaming something you need to right click to do ?

Why have clicking twice on a file name suddenly jump into file rename mode ?
Maybe this is something that needs to be started in a new thread ?

With no undo menu option, I see allot of people making the same mistake in the future
And I would rather see the rename mode turned off, then see a new menu be installed or made

I think I limit my answers to the constructive parts.

The a bit overdone Copy/Move/Link context menu on files has been addressed in the mentioned ticket. It has yet to be implemented.

There is an undo feature, see user guide page. It even has a history, so it doesn’t just work on your last accident. Renaming and moving/copying files can be undone.
Does it deserve its own menu item? Maybe, OTOH ALT+Z is such a ubiquitous shortcut…

Renaming doesn’t work anymore when single-clicking a file name. You have to click twice, but outside the double-click interval, as that would, naturally, open the file/folder instead.

I talk about a relatively recent r33939 build, so you ALPHA release may not be as polished in the renaming department.



That sounds cool, I’ve never noticed it before
Although it doesn’t do much for the average user if its not on the menu

That would have saved me more then a few re-installs years ago

Right now Haiku doesnt support my lan, or wireless, so while I’ve loaded it
I haven’t really used it
I just played awhile, and then reloaded Windows for internet access