Ah nice, but I could not follow your advice, Where to find the lighttpd setup on Haiku Insider (haikuinsider.org?) or on the Wordpress pages?
Would you write some article how to use php with HAIKU and make a small tutorial with php -S localhost…
I tried in terminal but, sorry I have no clue how to use it to make some easy php-website!
Yes a small tutorial on your new haikuinsider.org site would be much appericated!
Pe is the default code editor once you have a fresh Haiku install.
So without any internet connection, at least you have this editor, that’s the only reason most of the time I’ve referring to Pe in the articles as it can do the job in many scenario.
Most of the hard work for the articles migration is completed:)
I will fine tune the site during the coming days (links to fix, color to adjust, some icons to adjust) and once I’m happy with it I will do a communication for the official “opening”.
The first good point I can see is that with bludit it’s ** really ** fast (PHP only + no ads).
I hope to produce a few new articles once everything is ready
A stupid question probably but gtk themes are using css, aren’t they? So I’m wondering if that could be used to make them follow Haiku system colours in some way.
cool, i like your page about the icons thing, maybe its better if you share your work at haikuports so other that have no programming skill can use your work?