Haiku Insider website launched

Please note the “Haiku Insider” blog has been launched yesterday :

For the moment - as you will see - the content is quite limited, but the structure of the website is there. The aim is to add news or information on the applications or the OS on a regular basis.

If you want to contribute or bring idea, you can, for that use the contact page of the blog .
Any contributor is welcome :slight_smile:


I like the idea,but the page looks somewhat broken on my laptop,see screenshot:

On my phone it looks normal,no idea why the difference.
I don’t see failed network requests in the log and the 2 blocked requests are clearly related to tracking,not stylesheets or such.

It’s working fine on my side both on WebPositive or Falkon

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Is there an RSS feed?

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Yes it’s there :

Feed working fine, nice job!

Always great to see another Haiku website.

One small issue: It looks like you want to make this primarily an English website, but part of the interface is in French

I really have nothing against the French language, in fact I have some distant relatives in that part of the world, but It does come across as confusing when the website contents are in one language and the interface is in another. This can probably be resolved by digging into the WordPress settings.

Nice catch!
I thought the language was relative to the browser’s setup.

I’ve now put the website in English in Wordpress :slight_smile:


Never mind,it works fine on my desktop computer with the latest LibreWolf version installed.
The one on my laptop is slightly outdated,but that was the only website so far that has issues with it.

Is it a smart idea to go with a WordPress backend given the current/recent controversies?

Not sure what you mean here.

And whatever : technology do not drive ideas or information, and for the moment the website is working quite well and the information sharing goal is on the way:)

I even discovered than RSS feed was defaulted in my WordPress site so another good point here :slight_smile:

It looks like one of the owners is trying to take over the company and its community, which has impacted development and some deployment worldwide in these last few days.


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I thought the same thing when I first saw the website.
The latest actions of Wordpress/Automattic are embarrasing and don’t put the company or the project into a good light.
It’s okay if you dislike a competitor,but taking it to the public the way Wordpress did is more like the reaction of a upset child.

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Oh I wasn’t aware of this drama in the tech world :confused:


I’m currently provisionning the blog with 1 article per day.

Those who haved subscribed to the RSS feed should receive it on a regular basis.

One question I have on that topic : what kind of articles or information do you think could be useful for Haiku ?

I have a list of ideas but would like to cross check with the community.

Okay, I see what you’ve done so far and it looks like a revival of the old betips.net site. Rather technical material, but not out there in the stratosphere.

I think there is definitely a place for that. It avoids clashing with desktoponfire.com - in fact, the two of you could strategize together.


Maybe write a little blog on how you got Nifskope to work and packaged, could be interesting for others also I guess :slight_smile:

Mmm nice idea, this part will require a more advanced article (as it refers to creating a recipe), but I put this idea in the todo list

I confirm the port was not that easy to do :stuck_out_tongue:

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BTW, I’m linking your articles in my Flipboard magazine https://flipboard.com/@clasqm/the-haiku-operating-system-rte48ffky. Hopefully that will drive some traffic your way.

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Stay tuned for tomorrow : first article on quickly setup C++ dev env on Haiku (beginners).

I will check when I will introduce the how to make ports & recipe (more advanced)