Haiku, Inc. Financial Report for 2024 is now available | Haiku Project

The Haiku, Inc. financial report for 2024 is now available on the Haiku, Inc. Documents page.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/news/2025-02-01_2024_financial_report

On behalf of those of us unable to donate: thanks a lot to those who can and did! (extra thanks to that generous 7.500 donor!)

On behalf of those of us that try to contribute in other ways (no matter how small or large)… thanks for the call out Ryan, and thanks a bunch for your work too!

I’ll take this spot to reiterate a plea: if you’re still on the fence about sending patches, bug reports, translations, whatever… know this… your contribution (no matter its size) to Haiku will most likely have a bigger impact than on most other OSes.

If you’re still on the fence, maybe because you’re a bit worried about your skills regarding OS dev, know this: even I managed to get some changesets merged on Haiku, and a few more commits on HaikuPorts, so the “barrier to entry” for meaningful contributions might be just way lower than you think… give yourself a go…

Send those patches today! (but be ready for the review process to be a bit long, sometimes it is like that, no matter your skill level).

Round of applause to all contributors, and lets hope for an excellent 2025 for Haiku!
(and thanks again Ryan for your work on this report).


Thanks for the new report,was a very interesting read :+1:
It’s really unfortunate that we lost the money collected over Flattr.
Did they close their service without offering a final payout or how could that happen,if I may ask?

Also,I see Benevity listed with a quite high amount,but it’s not listed at the donate page at Please make a tax-deductible gift today. - Haiku, Inc. and the website of Benevity doesn’t give much clue how one can donate as end-user.
Looks more like some business-only thingy and not even the Wikipedia page about it explains how it works.
I’m just curious,can someone maybe explain?

Another note about our donation page: Someone should add a note that Goodsearch doesn’t support Haiku anymore since January 2025.
All donations do now go to a single partner charity instead of the individual projects.
I’m not sure if that also applies for Goodshop,but I think probably not.

They offered a final payout, and they provided plenty of time. But we had never set up a way to get the donated money out, and they were based in Europe, and they just would not accept whatever documentation I could provide to allow us to get the money. It has been more than a year but as I recall we had to provide the Articles of Incorporation and whatever else we think they wanted, but it was never approved. We tried to get support but they were not very helpful. Then the time ran out, and they closed down, and that was that.

Hopefully the money at least went to some other open source donation fund.

Someone else had set up Flattr a long time ago, and therefore I just did not have the knowledge about it, nor did I have any idea they might close down and we would lose the money. Needless to say I am a little shy about using smaller donation services now, certainly anything that holds your money for a long time. With all our current sources of donations we can get the money to the bank account, and I think we have plenty of options so I don’t intend to add anything new in the near future.

As you guess, I think Benevity is one of those things people can donate to from their jobs. We used to get checks from them, and they had documentation on how to sign up to get direct deposits, so I did that, so now we get stuff deposited right to the bank account. Though checking into the bank account transactions I may have classified a bit too much under Benevity, though the others are from UK Online Giving Foundation, and I don’t ever remember setting that up with our bank, so maybe it is related to Benevity…

I suppose for the next report I can be more generic with the name, like Other Donation Platforms.

Looking into this, I don’t know if we have even gotten money from them. This is again something that was set up by someone else a while ago. The site seems sort of shady now, at least Goodshop, so I think I’ll just remove that whole section from the Haiku, Inc website. Thanks for the heads up.

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Thank you very much for the clarification.
I can only repeat myself,the loss of Flattr is really unfortunate,also for those who wanted to support Haiku that way,but I’m sure you did everything you could.
I used Goodsearch for some months after OneSearch closed down,it wasn’t as privacy-friendly but at least I hoped I could support Haiku a little bit more that way.
Seems I was wrong about Goodshop,their page does also say they’re now donating to a single partner charity,the same as on Goodsearch.
That means there’s no reason for recommending them any longer.
It would be a shame if that money is also lost,on the other hand,I think it wasn’t that much.
I’ll definitely continue to support Haiku over Liberapay which seems to be a very reliable solution where the money also arrives at Haiku Inc.

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Thank you very much for the report.