Haiku images in qemu

I seem to be having some minor trouble running the daily built vmware/QEmu images of haiku. Yeah I know they aren’t meant to be “Stable” but that isn’t exactly the problem I have been having.
The problem I’m having is that it doesn’t seem to boot past the BIOS, which I’m sure can’t be right. In fact I tried several images, but with identical results. A screenshot of what the problem is can be found here: http://image.bayimg.com/hailgaabj.jpg
but basically it seems that HD 1 is not detected.

To be honest. The problem is probably me not knowing how to use QEmu or something like that, but I just wondered if anyone else could shed any light on this?

For the record I’m on debian gnu/linux etch, with qemu 0.8.2

Apologies if I should have rtfm.



(previously posted to haiku newbies but no replies after ~two weeks. I guess I want to be a user! :P)

Do you have the appropriate raw-image for your qemu ? I am using the haiku.image.r23625.bz2 (naturally unpacked as an image-file) and it starts well, not only with Qemu-0.9.0 (using Qemu-manager-GUI-application by Dave Reynolds) under W2K but also with Qemu-0.9.0 under BeOS R5-Bone.
In BeOS I use a shellscript to start qemu, which includes besides others the following command: “qemu -hda path_to_haiku_image_file -cdrom /dev/disk/ide/atapi/1/master/0/raw -m 384M -soundhw all -localtime -net nic -net user &”. In Linux I suppose it looks similiar ?
Sorry, if you know all that. But for help, you should explain some more information about your qemu-procedure and which haiku-image you are using.
Bye for now.

I had exactly the same problem as you did but I figured out that I had downloaded the vmware images and that wasn’t going to work. I downloaded the raw image from the Build Factory and that works fine.


cheers. that was it
/me smacks himself.
i thought qemu was totally compatible with vmware but obviously i didn’t understand it right/totally etc.