Haiku image

Hope we are on the last few days before R1/beta 5 release :slight_smile:

It’s currently my main system on my NUC Intel (in R1/beta4) so I hope I can upgrade soon.

A gift for all the hard work done so far, I have asked for an IA generated picture and I obtain this one :slight_smile:


The logo there looks really nice

Too bad AI doesn’t know what the name is… : )


None is armed, indeed. But, it doesn’t mean that it is pleasant. Other kids calling you names in school yard isn’t either, that’s generally how starts bullying. It’s a simple lack of respect and you shouldn’t let it grow in something else.

It’s something that you can forgive when it comes from a person; you can try to explain to them why it’s wrong. Help them to not make that mistake again (hence the filtering).
Somehow, it’s less acceptable coming from an IA. Aren’t these things supposed to know better? Aren’t they supposed to do no harm and to make no distinction between users? At least that’s how they are sold. Reaction in this thread are only people mocking work of an AI that should know. Do you fell sorry for that thing and think that will be harm it anyhow?

Actually, even the logo is wrong. Except, the vertical launcher, there’s not a lot of things relative to Haiku in this picture. If you were asking the same thing about an M$ product, you can bet that the result would be far more precise and that could even tell the version by looking at the picture.

Funny, after realizing all the statistical stereotypes about Haiku in that picture.


Like for the logo designed for Haiku.

That we use full keyboards and wired mouses on old LCD displays?

Compare for yourself:

I dunno, that the mouse cable is squezed below the keyboard is painfull in a completely different way. : D

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Maybe this one is better :wink:


I could just train a Flux LoRA on some Haiku screenshots so Flux would generate some proper Haiku desktops. I don’t do this because there’s no use case for AI images with Haiku.

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Please, none of these is util to the topic, that is to test the beta5.

Moderatores, could all these posts with wrong pictures and wrong names be moved to another topic, if possible one that gets buried and forgotten someplace ?

You can use (at) moderators to give a message, or flag a post as something else. If you only write it like that moderators might not see it. : )

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The circle is not in the correct perspective to be displayed on the monitor and although you’ve upgraded to a wireless keyboard now we’re running Haiku on an iMac complete with Apple logo! (AI for ya)

Yes it’s the limitation of IA currently as you can’t update a version of an image but it’s recreated from scratch each time as far as I can see. So maybe a very detailed explaination is needed to obtain correct result :slight_smile:

Btw what’s your prompt? I’m curious what a local instance of flux would produce…

It’s better in the sense that it’s on a Mac.

Figures that the generated photo doesn’t come close to the actual logo, wordmark, or even name. Why is the mouse cord running under the keyboard? Why is there a cut cable near the monitor? Is that a cable loop beside the keyboard?

All around mess of an image, typical of so-called AI art.

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What is that logo supposed to be? At least the name is correct in this, however capitalisation is wrong and it still doesn’t match the workmark. Also look closely at the keyboard, as some of the keys look like they’ve melted. It’s not much better than the previous attempt, really.

Here is the last prompt : Create a gouache painting dedicated to Haiku with a flat monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. The screen must display « Haiku » and a nice logo of the OS with nice colors representing the OS like leafes. A little plant can be added on the desk. No other logo in the painting (like apple, etc) and no « OS » word on the screen.

I don’t know why « OS » sometimes appear where I have asked for no OS word on the screen

Last picture :