Haiku GCC4 build

Not sure where to put this really.
I noticed that there is no official build of haiku with gcc4, so I set out to make one myself. Built on Xubuntu 8.04.
I thought I might save some of you the time required to build haiku with GCC4, so I am posting it here.

This is a raw disk image, useable in qemu (not sure about other emulators, I use qemu) only 128mb in size, so you may want to make another disk image to work on.

The disk image is in a compressed tarball.

Have fun,

EDIT: Oops, silly me, I removed the file extension by mistake. Its .tar.bz2
Sorry :slight_smile:

Thanks for putting that up, I’ve been trying to make a gcc4 build for the last couple of days, and cant seem to get anything to compile correctly, I have a thread trying to get gcc 4.3.3 working but no replys yet.

Speed wise, how does Haiku GCC4 compare to default (GCC2.9x) Haiku?

Seems to be about the same to me, then again, both were tested on an old dell dimension 8100 with a P4 1.4ghz processor (Mind you, it took about 8hrs to get the dev tools, compile, get the source, compile, and build a disk image), not exactly a powerful computer by today’s standards.

I don’t think you will see massive speed changes either way.

8 hours? What OS are you running?

On a PIII 500 mhz, it only takes a few hours to get the sources and compile haiku for me… (running Debian CLI)

Nice build :slight_smile: But I would have prefered a GCC2/GCC4 Hybrid build personally. Is it possible to add GCC2 support on a pure GCC4 build afterward?

he said he was running xubuntu

debian is way more lightweight and I would say archlinux is lighter than debian… especially if you are wanting to save disk space on an older machine ubuntu is not the way to go

“Is it possible to add GCC2 support on a pure GCC4 build afterward?”


Download gcc2 haiku image. Mount image. Create “gcc2” folder & copy the gcc2 libraries into it. Move gcc2 folder to library folder in Haiku.


The path above may be wrong but you get the idea.

Have you tested this?
I may have to try that :slight_smile:

Whoops, double post.
Also, mind you, clock speed isn’t the only determinant. My laptop with a 1.5ghz pentium m can decode 720p video, this one can’t, and it’s only 100mhz slower.

Treat: http://rapidshare.de/files/45283456/haiku.7z.html
This version GCC4 hybrid with GCC2 support (with HDA driver).

Treat: http://rapidshare.de/files/45283456/haiku.7z.html
This version GCC4 hybrid with GCC2 support (with HDA driver).[/quote]

Thanks there, saved me some more time :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hmm, Firefox still wont work, even with the GCC2 libs installed in the hybrid image. Anyone know why?

Ups, Sorry, this not a GCC2 problem. Look, image have 400 MB and have all packets (dev. too), is 2 MB place free , and FF need more free place when starts. I compiled larger image and upload to net.

That’s why expander didn’t finish extracting firefox. Thanks, didn’t notice that.

This 800 MB image GCC4 hybrid with GCC2 support (without HDA driver):