Haiku-format 18 available in HaikuDepot!

I’ve upgraded haiku-format to 18.1.6, which has seen 200+ clang-format commits since 17.0.6.

What’s new in haiku-format

  • Removal of the now-obsolete customization for formatting new() thanks to the new AfterPlacementOperator option
  • Setting SpaceAfterCStyleCast to false per the updated Haiku coding guidelines
  • Enabling the RemoveSemicolon option
  • Support for .clang-format-ignore files
  • All clang-format bug fixes

If you are new to haiku-format, check this tutorial first. Please try the new haiku-format out and report issues at GitHub - owenca/haiku-format.


I’m not using it, but thanks on working on this! +1

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