Haiku for Scientific Computing

Dear All,
I got in touch with the Open Source community due to my interest (for job-reasons) in scientific computing.
I am currently using Debian Linux since it provides me with tons of programs/languages for science. I would like, as soon as I have some time, to give Haiku a try. I understood it is not Linux and that it is aimed at simplicity and I find the idea intriguing.
For my job, I daily use the following tools
(1) R http://www.r-project.org/
(2) SciPy/Numpy http://www.scipy.org/
(3)Matplotlib (pylab) http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/
(4) emacs
(5) Fortran 90/95
(6) ESPResso, a package for molecular dynamics relying on C and TCL.
(7) visual Python http://www.vpython.org/

Are they available for Haiku? Has anyone reported positive experiences about Haiku in a research environment (geared towards physical sciences/statistics)?

I understand that my needs are rather specialist and they are not the first thing one has in mind when designing an operating system, but they are essential to me in estimating whether I should consider Haiku for my job.
Many thanks


A port of R would indeed be much apreciated. I am very interested in trying out haiku and R would be iceing on the cake.

@Larry it sounds as if you are quite competent at using R while I am a beginner studying it at a community collge you might be interested in http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/ which aims to make PSPP to SPSS as R is to S. I wonder if R would compile straight off… since it is mainly a command line program(for me anyway :slight_smile: ).

I ported TCL 8.4 to BeOS, so it should run easily on Haiku and allow you to port things using it.
Tk needed just one fix to get the X11 version usable, I’m thinking about a native port when I get time.

I made a native port of XEmacs to BeOS.
It’s not finished though, and won’t run on Haiku due to some change in the vm (reverse split), but if I get it to dump from Haiku it should work. I didn’t try recently but it should be possible now with the recent vm fixes.

An old test binary available here:

Lorenzo, is there any way to contact you? Via email perhaps?

has any progress been made here? well i will be building a haiku box to test on :slight_smile: and i know just a little c++. I doubt i know enough to port much of anything yet though…


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