Haiku Depot progress bar

May I make the suggestion that a progress bar be added to the Haiku Depot GUI app?

Recently, I attempted to install a rather large (with dependencies included) app (Arduino) - and it took maybe twenty minutes to complete. While it was downloading files, the GUI gave me no indication whatsoever what was happening. I had to resort to looking at netstat connections, and doing other similar things to inform myself that it was indeed still “doing stuff” - and hadn’t locked up.

It would be excellent if I were in the future, able to glance at the GUI and know that 1) it’s still working, and 2) it’s task has progressed to a particular point.

I agree. The right hand column next to “status” is empty. The progress bar could appear there, and then have the current and queued downloads autosort so they all appear together at the top of the list.


There are several enhancement tickets already that deal with this situation, mainly <a href=https://dev.haiku-os.org/ticket/10114#comment:3">#10114 and <a href="https://dev.haiku-os.org/ticket/10358>#10358. Feel free to comment there with specific ideas.
Currently stippi is the main developer of HaikuDepot, but sadly he lacks the time to work on all the still missing features. I bet he’d be thrilled if more people would lend a hand, like TigerKid001 did with implementing the “Contents” tab.


I created a ticket for this too:


As I say in the comments for that ticket:

“My original description of this issue isn’t quite right as depot does show the progress of deps when they’re being downloaded but only if you have searched for them and they’re currently being displayed in the main window.”

[quote=danboid]I created a ticket for this too:


As I say in the comments for that ticket:

“My original description of this issue isn’t quite right as depot does show the progress of deps when they’re being downloaded but only if you have searched for them and they’re currently being displayed in the main window.”[/quote]

I suppose I should have searched the tickets more thoroughly :frowning:

Yes - I agree it’d be nice if a “composite” progress bar would show the progress of the main app (and its dependencies) without any further action required by the user. Growing pains, of course.

I just wonder why do you file a bug report for it!?

It is an enhancement not a bug…

I would rather see the few Haiku developer working on squashing the actual bugs before going to spent time on enhancements…

[quote=brunobastardi]I just wonder why do you file a bug report for it!?

It is an enhancement not a bug…

I would rather see the few Haiku developer working on squashing the actual bugs before going to spent time on enhancements…[/quote]

Any time the user thinks a program is frozen due to lack of feedback, it is a bug.