Haiku Code Drive: May 16 update | Haiku Project

It's been approximately 24 hours since we started the Haiku Code Drive 2008, so I thought I would give a quick update on where we stand right now, and also take the opportunity to share with you a few observations based on some of the feedback that we have received so far. I want to start by saying that the response so far from the community has been great. We are exploring somewhat unknown waters with the Haiku Code Drive, so there was a degree of uncertainty as to how the community would respond. This is why it is so rewarding to see the great outpour of generous donations that we have already received in just one day. Contributions are coming in from all over, including Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, the US and many other countries. We have started a list of donors in the donation page, so check it out (to be updated daily).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/koki/2008-05-16_haiku_code_drive_may_16_update/