Haiku burn cd


Via http://haiku-os.org/downloads I downloaded the dayly build kaiku.image but I don’t know how burn this into a cd.

All the info found appointing to wiki that is dead

How get a burn cd with this image. I use k3b as my CD burner application but it does not detect it. Can you provide me the console commands that I have to use?

Why don’t you provide a simply kaiku.iso?

Thank you very much,

PS: What type of partition is necessary to install kaiku. In web page there is no information about it I think

What you have is a hard disk image. You can’t usefully write it to a CD. It can be written directly to a hard disk, there used to be instructions for this in the Haiku Wiki, but that’s gone now as you noticed. You can probably dig up instructions somewhere else. Alternatively you can use the hard disk image with a virtualisation system like VMware. But again you’ll need to dig up instructions from somewhere else because the Wiki was removed.

Michael Phipps has argued that there’s no point in producing ISO images, a proper installer and so on, until Haiku R1 is nearly finished and people can really use it. Since Haiku isn’t even self-hosting yet (the development work is done with BeOS or Linux) that could still be a long way off.

[quote=NoHaikuForMe]What you have is a hard disk image. You can’t usefully write it to a CD. It can be written directly to a hard disk, there used to be instructions for this in the Haiku Wiki, but that’s gone now as you noticed. You can probably dig up instructions somewhere else. Alternatively you can use the hard disk image with a virtualisation system like VMware. But again you’ll need to dig up instructions from somewhere else because the Wiki was removed.

Michael Phipps has argued that there’s no point in producing ISO images, a proper installer and so on, until Haiku R1 is nearly finished and people can really use it. Since Haiku isn’t even self-hosting yet (the development work is done with BeOS or Linux) that could still be a long way off.[/quote]

Well, thank you very much for clarifying that there is a disk image and not CD image and for the intentions for no producing iso images.

Now the only is find the way install haiku.img in my harddisk.
Anyone could help me in that?
A big problem if the information for that is dropped. I ask if some developer could write an article of how install haiku.img in HD. I will apreciate this very much


Actually you can burn it to a cd, I have. Check this out -http://haiku-os.org/community/forum/haiku_personal_edition

First of all, thank you very much for this link. I will follow that
For the other hand, I’m also interested in install haiku in hd
So, can you tell me how to install in hd? Or where information is?


Just use the installer under the haiku menu.

It does not work for me: it does not detect media to boot.
I don’t know what are the error: I simply:

  1. download http://paginas.terra.com.br/informatica/pauloestrela/HaikuLiveCD.tar.bz2
  2. substitute haiku.image for the latest haiku image
  3. cue2toc -o haiku.toc HaikuLiveCD.cue (k3b does not detect cue at all)

I boot from CD but it does not find boot media
