Haiku build factory

any progress in setting it up again ?
it was such a charming little thing…

yep … I’m actually working on it right now.

the machine is currently pulling down the 1.4GB of source 8)

:frowning: I went to bed and woke up to find the machine crashed during the download and now it’s got a sus trunk :shock:

I’ve got a couple of other machines, I might test as well.

Well just tested out 3 machines so far … the first two couldnt get BeOS working on them, this one I’m setting up now only has a small hd, so I’ll have to put a new one it and initialize it for BFS.

Then I’ll start getting the trunk again …

well so far this machine has been getting the source for the last 3 hrs …

Good luck :). It sounds like you might need it.

Source has been downloaded and it’s attempted to build. I think my Jam version might be out of date ? I’ll check up on that.

You can see some of the logs now visible on the factory 8)

Do you not think the problem is not jam but almost certainly the fact that you’re using the wrong GCC (3.4.x rather than 2.9.x)?

ooops :oops:

I’ll fix that.

I’ve now fixed it and included the latest jam. The factory has been updated as well and I’m hoping to include a downloadable HD image.


Any news on the HD images?

I don’t see the images ether

He’s still using the wrong GCC - Oliver Tappes GCC 041202 is NEEDED, nothing else works…

linkage ?


thanks done … I had about 5 different gccs on this PC :wink:

Running now …

i still can’t download an image why not?

I think it’s too little memory in the computer. 128 MB just doesn’t seem to be enough to build the whole tree anymore (was possible some time ago). I’m experiencing the same problem with my computer which also have 128 MB. As a workaround I’m simply compiling only the parts I need. But I guess thats no option here.

Jam Build StdErr Log (0.00 MB - 3:01 am 13th May, 2005)

vfork: No memory

> I think it’s too little memory in the computer.
> 128 MB just doesn’t seem to be enough to build the whole
> tree anymore (was possible some time ago)

Yep, the jam dependencies of the whole tree are huge!

AFAIK, there’s discussions recently about upgrading the build machine, and even add a second one to the factory.
A build factory is definitively an usefull tool for everyone, developers included, so let’s wait & see.

:arrow: Update: I’m on holidays at the moment and I’ve just built up a P3 800 with 512mb of RAM and 40GB HD split as two BFS partitions 20GB (BeOS) and 20GB (Haiku). 8)

I’m just going away for a few days so I haven’t linked it, plus I changed web host last week so I need to update the ftp details, etc … It’s happen folks, sorry if albeit a tad slow. :oops: