Haiku at FOSDEM 2025


The FOSDEM conference has released the list of accepted stands. Haiku is granted a stand again this year aftear two years of break.

We will be there with mmu_man and nephele, and, of course, more people is better as then we can take turns being at the stand, and enjoy other parts of the conference as well.

If there is enough interest, we can also plan a coding sprint after FOSDEM (starting on monday, until friday or maybe just 2-3 days). In the previous times we did this, there were only a handful of people, so we rented an airbnb and stayed there for a few more days after the conference. Who would like to join? So I get an idea of the number of people and see what kind of place I should book


I won’t be any good at the coding sprint, but maybe could help out a bit at the stand?

I’d love to participate at such a conference some day,but I just checked the distance and Brussels is 516km away from here.
That’s a bit too much for only two days.
For those who are there,I wish you a lot of fun and tell the world about the best desktop OS :sunglasses:

I might go there this year, and if I do some coding could be fun…

So far we have:

For the stand:

  • mmu_man
  • oco
  • nephele
  • Begasus
  • PulkoMandy

For the coding sprint:

  • mmu_man
  • PulkoMandy
  • nephele
  • Link Mauve
  • maybe tqh ?
  • maybe oco?

I will plan for 6 persons (it’s difficult to find places that can host more people in a single place anyways). If there are more people who want to join the sprint, you are of course welcome, but we may not have a bed for you to sleep at night. So you have to find your own place to sleep (or not sleep at all, but usually that doesn’t work for an entire week).

I’ll arrive in Brussels late on friday night (past midnight) and stay until the next friday early in the morning (so, 31/01 to 07/02).

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I will be in Europe around the time FOSDEM 2025 is held, mostly likely in Paris by February. Will check with my travel agent if the itinerary can be changed so that I can attend the event.

I’ll be too far from Belgium on February 1-2, unfortunately. Might be closer to it though later in the following days afterwards.