Haiku as a server


I’m new to Haiku haven’t run it yet still researching it. Was just wondering how effcient it is running as a server. Also in saying that is it possible to run Haiku as a load balancing cluster?

Why don’t you try to compile lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/]??
It would be a good webserver to Haiku.

I have knowledge is production web serving, but not as much knowledge in using Haiku. So anybody please correct me if I’m wrong.

For production web serving there are several things you should have:
redundant disks, a solid, supported web server, a database.

Redundant disks means have a RAID of disks in case one fails. This requires drivers to support a RAID controller. I don’t know if Haiku has any RAID controller drivers.

Apache is a good example of a professional, production web server. There are other good open source solutions. I don’t think they have been ported to Haiku. A simple, home web server is PoorMan. It comes with Haiku. There is a discussion here:

Many professional web servers also use a database, like MySQL, or PostGres. Postgres was ported to BeOS, not sure if it has been ported to Haiku.

In general, though, Haiku is more oriented to interactive desktop usage. It is not as optimized for brute strength server throughput functions as Linux. This is for 24/7 production use. For home use, Haiku would probably do OK.

Haiku is still Alpha software and not fully optimized yet. Also, the focus is on desktop and not server computers. You have better choice with BSD or Linux for server.

[quote=tschertel]Why don’t you try to compile lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/]??
It would be a good webserver to Haiku.[/quote]

Second that. lighttpd works good as server.

[quote=jackquil36][quote=tschertel]Why don’t you try to compile lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/]??
It would be a good webserver to Haiku.[/quote]

Second that. lighttpd works good as server.[/quote]

I agree with that statement. I’m not sure if it will compile on Haiku though. I have tried and had many issues with it compiling. Could be GCC2 errors though.