I’m looking to learn the Haiku API.
Are there any good pointers to some code examples available illustrating each kit ?
Below is what I have found so far which is not not satisfactory to me :
- BeBook : should be able to describe the API but not to give examples
- HaikuBook : same as BeBook with missing API part (I’ve been able to have a draft working example of BJoystick via BeBook/Haiku + HaikuPorts “unreal_speccy_portable” + ChatGPT)
- BeSampleCode : but some examples might not work for Haiku (GitHub - HaikuArchives/BeSampleCode: Original BeOS developer sample code for learning the BeOS / Haiku API.)
- haiku/src/tests : more tests oriented I think than explaining the API through examples
- haiku sources or haikuports : good source of information, however it requires to search what is the good piece of code through all the lines of sources which is not always easy
Additional note : I plan to propose a repo with some basic examples on each kit, but I’m starting from scratch here, so I will rely mostly on the BeBook/HaikuBook to be sure there’s no mistake