Haiku & speed

I really don’t know if it’s just me, or is Haiku very very slow on my machine (700Mhz, 256MB RAM, plenty of disk space), whereas Build Factory has system req much smaller. I can’t even use it natively, installing HD image onto hard drive partition. Moving the cursor takes about a minute… Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong? I’ve tried with Bochs, QEMU (in BeOS 5 & in Linux) and HD install.


Well, I can’t say anything about those emulators you mentioned, but a couple months ago, I had problems with the mouse cursor in my Haiku installation (in a separate HDD partition).

As weird as it sounds, when asking about the problem, I was told to re-initialize and re-format my Haiku partition and then install it again - and that was indeed the solution to my problems back then.

Are you using it trough emulator or natively?
If trough emulator, then it’s normal.

ChrisK wrote:
Well, I can't say anything about those emulators you mentioned, but a couple months ago, I had problems with the mouse cursor in my Haiku installation (in a separate HDD partition).

As weird as it sounds, when asking about the problem, I was told to re-initialize and re-format my Haiku partition and then install it again - and that was indeed the solution to my problems back then.

Thanks ChrisK! Reinitializing partition solved my problem. Haiku works great on my hd(0,4) :slight_smile: Very nice!

i am allway test Haiku on Qemu and i have happy thats run … But its run very slowly, now i download VMWARE PLAYER and VMXWizzard … i am downloading VMWARE image of Haiku and its goes beautifull … very fast… 100x more than in Qemu :idea:

Yeah, the difference between Haiku in Qemu and in VMWare Player is pretty ridiculous. In Qemu it is damn near unworkable, while in VMWare, well its snappy enough to be acceptable natively! (Running under Debian on an Athlon 2200+ w/ 1gig of ram).

red_devel wrote:
Yeah, the difference between Haiku in Qemu and in VMWare Player is pretty ridiculous. In Qemu it is darn near unworkable, while in VMWare, well its snappy enough to be acceptable natively! (Running under Debian on an Athlon 2200+ w/ 1gig of ram).

It’s due to the fact that the two use different methods for emulating. Qemu uses dynamic recompilation, which basically re-writes code before it’s executed. VMware, on the other hand, uses virtualization; this runs code directly on the host processor whenever possible.

I believe there’s a GPL-licensed addon for Qemu called qvm86 that allows Qemu to use virtualization instead of dynamic recompilation, increasing the speed up to near-host processor levels.

I still prefer VMware, even though it’s proprietary.

Now I download both images for Qemu and for vmware too. Vmware Player is freeware not open sou… and I find on net this (very important tool for vmplayer) http://rhysgoodwin.orcon.net.nz/vmxwizard/