The biggest piece of news from last month is the arrival of “Iceweasel”, a web browser built from Mozilla Firefox source code but without any official branding or registered trademarks, in the software depots (for x86_64 only, at the moment.) We’ve been “slow-rolling” the announcements on this one, in part because the browser was quite unstable at first and prone to cause kernel assertion failures on the nightly builds, but after a month of work it’s in much better shape and is relatively stable.
Unfortunately the Inc’s bitcoin holdings are kind of “trapped” legally speaking and I don’t think anything’s happened to resolve this situation. See this post for details:
In addition to that, I’m not sure if there is a developer currently willing to be hired by Haiku? (from the existing team, as I don’t think the inc has considered taking the risk of hiring outsiders at the moment).
I don’t know what email you sent your proposal to, but historically proposals are made in public before they’re discussed by the Inc. “in private”. But anyway, if I worked the maximum number of hours allowed per year in my contract, the Inc. would be quite far “into the red” (so I’ve been intentionally working less than that to avoid having the Inc. run out of funds.) So I’d imagine they’d want to be conservative about paying someone else at the moment, to say the least.