Haiku Activity & Contract Report, August 2024 | Haiku Project

This report covers hrev57901 through hrev58042.

R1/beta5 was of course released just a few days ago, and many (though not all) of the changes in this report made it in to the release.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/waddlesplash/2024-09-17-haiku_activity_contract_report_august_2024

A lot of changes that lead up to the release of R1B5, congratulations to all involved, big thumbs up! :+1:


Thank you everyone for your hard work.

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Wow,that was really a busy month with lots of changes :+1:
Oh,and I am mentioned there for the first time,I guess I’m famous now :star_struck:



Ahoy Niklas !

Ayye’, you are famous now !..
If you don’t avoid yourself you’ll get into an interview questions with Andrea and you can easily find yourself in that situation to talk about … how you’d

“Unleash the Power of Desktop !” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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Thanks for the hard work !

I was interested how those many patches - I’ve seen on Gerrit - would be going to be reported in a written blog post … and now : it had turned out !.. It was a long list also - explained !..

Apropos, explanation :

- What the heck is “S3 bucket” ?
Is it some server storage way ? or a container-like stuff ?

(I would be appreciated if such terms described in the report or just after there.)

Howaver, I would mention the followings …
Yepp , I’m one of those guys who experienced huge network download speed acceleration … however not generally … and not since August, but lately.

Foe example
I have even 7-8 MB/sec dl speed in some cases in Falkon recently, however GNOME Web with the same source worked in KB territory and not some hundreds , bur under 100 KB/sec.

Also packages downloaded max. 1-2 MB/sec speed, I admit they comes overseas, and once package validation with minisign will be resolved we might have European haiku repos … and then I can compare it more fairly.

It is not complains - just facts from me –
Besides these above … I’m happy with observed acceleration, I just remark
it is still not equally general. Apps do not handle / use it equally and plain use from OS is not remarkable for first sight.

I surely wouldn’t decline if he asks me for an interview :smiley:

Very great news about the progress for haiku.

You mentioned some work for PowerPC and Arm64 (@ Apples Silicon M1). Is there any information how to install and run this virtualization on the M1?

So far, Haiku on ARM64 doesn’t boot to the desktop and you can’t actually install it.

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