[GSoC 2024] Improving the Userland Debugging Experience - Progress Report #3 | Haiku Project

The goal of this phase was to stabilize GDB, making it suitable for debugging complex and multi-threaded applications (including most Be API applications).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/trungnt2910/2024-08-11_gsoc_2024_debugging_progress_3

Iā€™m still really grateful this support of debugging of Haiku and applications (all programs, for old dudes who would rather use this phrase :wink: ) on it ā€“ however Iā€™m just a lucky Haiku user only.

Have luck to complete it successfully - either way !


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Thank you for all your hard work!

Now I can use your latest GCC port to debug firefox. Currently Qt Creator is the best graphical GUI frontend which works for me as far as I tested.

GCC consumes 2GB+ RAM to debug firefox, but it is greatly improved from the native Debugger days.

It works for step-execution on C++/Rust mixed project, too.