[GSoC 2024] Implementing Incremental Search [Final Report] | Haiku Project

The goal of this post is to document the changes I’ve successfully made during the GSoC period, the current state of the project, future enhancement goals, and a few other topics. I also want to extend my thanks to the Haiku developers and community for the opportunity to work on this fantastic operating system.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/calisto-mathias/2024-08-24_gsoc_2024_implementing_incremental_search_final_report

Congrat to you also for the achieved goals, drag and drop works just fine! :100:

Hope you stick around a bit longer to follow up on the few challenges left behind. :slight_smile:

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Great work and lot of learnings!
Very nice to have some fresh GUI things to see in HAIKU

I particularly appreciated waddlesplash’s detailed explanation of git fundamentals.

Would be nice to distribute this files as tutorial or help for others, as me…

The Haiku style guide has proven to be highly effective, and I plan to adopt it for all my future C++ projects.

How to use it? And is it good to make a tutorial out of it?

Thank you for your hard work.

Few (if any) of these suggestions make sense due to the way filesystem queries work. Did you read the documentation pages on queries before coming up with these lists?

I did not. May I?

I have a feeling the answer was mostly generated by ChatGPT. Backend calls? Really?

Comma usage here is a dead giveaway this was AI generated. ChatGPT loves the run-on sentence.