[GSoC 2024] Hardware virtualization for Haiku’s QEMU port | Haiku Project

Hi there! I’m Daniel Martin (aka dalme) and I’m a final year undergraduate student at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). I’ve been accepted into Google Summer of Code and I’ll be working to bring hardware virtualization to Haiku, a project that has been in the GSoC ideas list for around a decade. I’ll be mentored by scottmc and waddlesplash.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/dalme/2024-05-11_gsoc_2024_hardware_virtualization_for_haikus_qemu_port

Congratulations on the accepting for GSoC, I’m looking forward on your process here as I run some virtual machines here with qemu, having some smoother working image would be a big plus for all of us. +1


Wish you the best for this awesome project :wink:

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