[GSoC 2024] Enhancing Tracker: Next-Gen Find Window and Functionalities | Haiku Project

Hey There!

My name is Calisto Abel Mathias, and I am excited to introduce myself as a first-year undergraduate student at the National University of Technology in Karnataka, India. I am honored to have been accepted into the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program for 2024 under the mentorship of the Haiku project. A huge thanks to my two mentors - Niels and Humdinger for embarking on this journey with me.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/calisto-mathias/2024-05-15_gsoc_2024_enhancing_tracker_next-gen_find_window_and_functionalities

Very excited for you and the Haiku community! I’ve been waiting for these improvements for a LONG time! (Especially the Directory specific queries!). It seems to be a natural progression that Be dev’s would have made too.
Just a thought- Add the standard Tracker icon view options to improve image and video searches.

Best of luck, can’t wait to beta test!

Lot’s of goodies, wishing you all the luck and look forward on your progress!