[GSoC 2022] Ham: A Jam Replacement | Haiku Project

Hello everyone! I’m Dominic Martinez, a current rising junior at Duke University, USA. Being a personal victim of build system trauma (looking at you web-dev), I’ve become increasingly fascinated (and frustrated) by build system design, and have been waiting for the chance to build one myself. As such, I’m excited to have been selected to work on Ham - a replacement for the Jam build system - alongside my mentor Stephan Aßmus.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/dominicm/2022-05-25_gsoc_2022_ham_a_jam_replacement/

Welcome and good luck on your work this summer! :+1:

Thank you! I’m looking forward to it :smile:


Sounds like a good project, and sounds like you’re the right person for the job! Good luck :slight_smile:

Nice! Wishing success for you and Ham.