[GSoC 2018: SDHCI MMC Driver]: Week #7 | Haiku Project

Finally, we got the register mapping work and they are responsive, we have tested by enabling software reset bit and it has all the default values of registers which are set by Qemu except the present state register and capabilities register. These both should be left unaffected as mentioned in the spec. We are following SD Host specification version 1.00 for now, which also doesn’t support UHS but Qemu seems to be supporting it well.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/krish_iyer/2018-07-03_gsoc_2018_sdhci_mmc_driver_week_7/
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Very interesting write up, thanks!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you for progress in this important domain and for informing us about progress.

Honestly, @PulkoMandy, @phoudoin and other community members are ones who should be credited for development of this project. Every time they come with groundbreaking ideas which makes a great progress in the project. As far as this week is concerned I was bit confused with concept of pointers, register, addresses etc but they were patient and were really active and available for help.


great work…
how to test it?
My SD-Card is working with my PC but not on my laptop…


Most SD Card slots in laptops are in fact USB ones, behaving like an USB Mass Storage device.
If your isn’t working under Haiku, it’s may be an actual SDHC PCI device.

To check, the listdevwill show if it’s a PCI device. Post the result here

listdev dont show if it is a USB or USB Mass Storage device here…

I use a Samsung x11 Laptop…
listdev shows a generic system peripheral Ricoh Co SD Host Controller!
R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPRO Host adapter.

Hopefully it is useful info for you?!

Yes, you are the lucky (?) owner of an sdhci based controller, so this driver will be useful for you, when it is complete.