Great new default Desktop font!

Love the new noto (from google) default desktop font. Just loaded hrev 50900 and noticed it. I haven’nt upgraded in awhile so maybe this is old news.

Like it tho!

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Does Arratian («Old Italic») scripts supported by this font?

Hmmm… just try it!

Would be great to get Microsoft’s core fonts working on Haiku.

The Microsoft corefonts are just a dupe of the original commercial fonts from Linotype and free…
Microsoft changed the original fonts like the famous “Helvetica” to Arial!
and many others…
Frutiger, Univers, Palatino Linotype Zapfino, Sabon, Avenir…

The True-Type Fonts can easily be integrated into Haiku…
drop the ttfonts in: …boot/home/config/non-packaged/data/fonts…
you can for convenience create a ttfonts-folder…

Some old application like WonderBrush only see fonts in /system/data/fonts/*. You have to create a package to use them with it.
See the post “Script to conveniently package fonts” how to do this conveniently.

Better to change Wonderbrush to look in the appropriate location in the home folder.

Using scripting is very complicated to common user…
A common user will very likely make heavy use of fonts for their documents…

I did not notice this inconvenient change in Haiku about using fonts, thanks for pointing it out humdinger…

This has to change for easier use not only for fonts, because it is a major feature of BeOs install and uninstall fonts, sounds, plugins…

Forcing the user to use a script is far from the BeOs way of speed and productivity…

We can’t do anything because Wonderbrush is a closed source application. We have to wait on the developper to publish an update, and they are more interested in working on Wonderbrush 2, which we see moving on from time to time, but there is still a lot of work to do before there is a new release.