Google's rejection of Haiku for SoC - very disappointing

While hobby coders are nice, they work in their spare time.
This might work with small projects, but the bigger the project gets, the more coordination it needs. This coordination can get a full time job very fast.
Let´s face it, if Haiku wants to match big ones like Linux it will need an professional base.
Some sort if paid Community Coordinator and paid project leaders.

On the other hand Haiku has the time to decide how the base struktures shoud look like, as today it is small enough to work without this structures.

Vestifex wrote:
While hobby coders are nice, they work in their spare time.

This might work with small projects, but the bigger the project gets, the more coordination it needs. This coordination can get a full time job very fast. Let´s face it, if Haiku wants to match big ones like Linux it will need an professional base. Some sort if paid Community Coordinator and paid project leaders.

On the other hand Haiku has the time to decide how the base struktures shoud look like, as today it is small enough to work without this structures.

That is exactly what I like to hear! The project needs to develop relationships with companies, federal programs interested in technology, and other non-profits that are interested in projects like Haiku. Strong relationships with the bigwigs in the industry will make it easier to gain materials and eventually the cash this project needs.

Right now, I’m doing the research for such a move, but I am also working at a part-time pace. Either way, this something that must be done to insure that there is someone who will stick around to maintain this project – which is starting to seem like it needs more than just coders.

I don’t know if I should recomend this but, could add a Google adsense banner to the bottom of some pages to gain a little extra cash for the project? Even though I don’t like the amount of adverts I see on the net much of the time, I think I might be able to deal with a banner at the bottom of a few pages, if it would bring a Haiku release faster.

Or could open up some stores with the amazone partner programm.
Germany, UK, US, others as demanded.
The generated cash could go to the generl fund.

So we could buy our books and help haiku.