Going Native

Over the years we’;ve seen many new concepts for novel computing. few have been integrazted into existing systems or launched only as seperate third party applications and have as such remained unpopular, or been bought out by the major players and never used to keep things ‘traditional’ and standardised. such small group of niche users of those softwares has never been big enough to make it a standard. At this early stage of the game , iwith haiku, this could be an opportunity to take old / outdated, but proven novel computing concepts and integrate them directly within our proprietary OS.

At an early stage in the OS life, we can introduce better concepts to modern computing and as the platform develops, these will become the new standard. Also, The other OSs have large userbases which are too large to be able to try anything new.

I have a few ideas of my own…

Maybe we could start a forum topic just for such ideas to be explored…

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The Haiku devs are working under a self-imposed restraint that Haiku R1 must replicate BeOS R5. If that sounds negative, let me say that I support that restraint completely. So nothing you suggest will be incorporated into the OS before Haiku R2, which is a looooong way into the future.

But there’s nothing to stop you working at the application level. Can you give some examples to start the conversation?

Haven’t you just started a forum topic for that? What are your ideas?

Haiku is already doing some quite novel things…

This would be awesom… especialy if its well documented so that we could maybe ask e.g. some universitys if the students want to make a master work out of this :slight_smile: I know i stress this topic … but i guess thats the best way to go and get new qualified devs :).

For a reading i would sugges this one…
Haiku had a “new suggestion” mailing list called glass_elevator list (dont ask me why it was called this way)
The most usefull suggestions where summed up here:
I think going throught this ideas will alread give you a good overview about what was already suggestes

[quote=michel]The Haiku devs are working under a self-imposed restraint that Haiku R1 must replicate BeOS R5. If that sounds negative, let me say that I support that restraint completely. So nothing you suggest will be incorporated into the OS before Haiku R2, which is a looooong way into the future.
the conversation?[/quote]
I think once when R1 is out the development will not be so slow anymore… :slight_smile:
Not counting that it will attrackt more user and devs. But also implementing
new Features is way more fun than debugging and finding / fixing anyoing problems…

Thank you Paradoxon :slight_smile:

That exactly the sort of thing i was looking for. It was really interesting!.

Additionally, just updated my topic here: https://www.haiku-os.org/community/forum/ki_koan_interface#comment-34072