Globalizing the Haiku website

The Haiku website would have broader international appeal if translations of the news articles and some non-English language forums were provided. Judging by the memberlist, German, Swedish, and Portuguese speakers form the biggest groups. After these, there is a very long list of other languages represented in the memberlist:

Turkish, Japanese, Hindi, Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian, French, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Tagalog, Hebrew, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Croatian, Danish, Norwegian, Moldovan, Slovakian, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Korean

Translations could probably only be obtained from Haiku forum members, so the role of the website administrator(s) would be to facilitate the posting and organization of non-English content. If anyone has ideas about how to do this , please post away! (auf Englisch, bitte).

exception_thrower wrote:
The Haiku website would have broader international appeal if translations of the news articles and some non-English language forums were provided. Judging by the memberlist, German, Swedish, and Portuguese speakers form the biggest groups. After these, there is a very long list of other languages represented in the memberlist:

Turkish, Japanese, Hindi, Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian, French, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Tagalog, Hebrew, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Croatian, Danish, Norwegian, Moldovan, Slovakian, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Korean

Translations could probably only be obtained from Haiku forum members, so the role of the website administrator(s) would be to facilitate the posting and organization of non-English content. If anyone has ideas about how to do this , please post away! (auf Englisch, bitte).

It’s in the TO DO list, but we have to finalize the English site first. :slight_smile:


Re-casting the Haiku website in another language will be a big job and involve ongoing maintenance. Also, there will have to be enough members who can read/write that language to form a self-sustaining group. One small step toward addressing these issues is to create a new forum dedicated to a particular language, publicly announce what it’s for, then send a personal message to whomever is thought to use that language with an invitation to participate.

As far a which language to start with, I think the criteria should be

  1. The size of the the member group that seems to speak that language (ex. How many members are from Germany, Brazil, Vatican City, etc.)
  2. The frequency of posts attributed to members of that group. (ex. Out of a group of 12, 5 people post on a regular basis, 3 people infrequently, and 4 only once.)

The advantage of globalizing the Haiku website by small, incremental steps is that either the people who will do the actual work will identify themselves or it will become apparent that there’s not enough interest in that language to make a go of it.

i visit this board frequently aswell as i receive the mails from the mailing-list for the purpose of being informed about news concerning the Haiku.
the only thing that holds me back from posting here is the fact that i can’t
articulate myself in proper english, so a german forum (did I mention that
I’m german?) would be recomned for my participation to this community …

so a ++ for the forum-thingy, but please don’t decide by any number of
inactive users (i can’t imagine to be the only person with these problems in foreign languages)

Weishaupt wrote:
the only thing that holds me back from posting here is the fact that i can't articulate myself in proper english

Sounds like a great way to learn the ins and outs of English! :smiley: I think the majority of posters/readers here are understanding of those who don’t speak English fluently or natively. Haiku is, after all, and internationally-distributed community. So feel free to test your abilities and maybe we can help you improve them :slight_smile:

For a very brief period - we had separate areas in the forum for various languages. It didn’t last long at that point. I think the biggest hurdle is the inability to properly moderate and administer the forum like that with as few resources as there are available now.

It might be a great opportunity to set up HUGs (Haiku User Groups) with their own message boards in each country/language - or wait and see what the Haiku admin team has planned (I don’t know - but Koki probably does) :slight_smile:

The forum pages (such as this one) are encoded in iso-8859-1 (Latin-1) rather than utf-8 (unicode). I think this implies that the forums run on phpBB 2.0.x. which uses iso-8859-1 as a default, or that the backend database is storing characters in iso-8859-1, or both. Maybe ‘Globalizing the Website’ comes down to ‘Upgrading the Software’ at some point in 2007.

exception_thrower wrote:
Maybe 'Globalizing the Website' comes down to 'Upgrading the Software' at some point in 2007.

Maybe when 3.0 is out of beta?

A little cutting and pasting to verify there’s no longer a problem.


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القدس المحتلة – سبأ نت : علي تكريم
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חייו המלאים של צעיר אוסטרלי מוצעים למכירה ב-eBay תמורת 7,500 דולר אוסטרלי. ניקל הולט הציע “חיים חדשים למכירה!” כלומר את שמו, מספר הטלפון שלו וכל לרכושו. לא זאת בלבד, אלא שהצעיר מציע גם את חוג מכריו ואת המאהבות הפוטנציאליות שלו “עמן פלירטטתי”. כך מדווחת סוכנות הידיעות AP (ד’).

One other thought on this topic, new users should be asked which languages they speak when registering their accounts. This way, people will know who to ask when a translation is necessary.

This could come in handy when the MARCOM team wants to send press releases to websites or publications in other countries.