GitHub Copilot might help coding

GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer that helps you write code faster and with less work. It draws context from comments and code to suggest individual lines and whole functions instantly. GitHub Copilot is powered by Codex, a generative pretrained language model created by OpenAI. It is available as an extension for Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and the JetBrains suite of integrated development environments (IDEs).


Does Haiku support any of those environments? I know there’s Vim but is there NeoVim?

There’s unofficially for Emacs. Not sure how well it works, though (if at all).

There have been concerns regarding the code that GitHub Copilot generates may be from projects with incompatible licensing. This is still being debated on intensely at the moment and might be a grey legal area best avoided for now. Also it’s paid with a free trial, so it will be another cost to consider for the developers and/or the Inc.


The initial point of Neovim was “let’t make vim easier to maintain by removing support for all these weird OS no one really uses”. And that’s us. So, no, no Neovim port.

We have enough work reviewing the code written by other humans. Please don’t make us also have to review code written by robots.


It’s cheaper than Netflix… 10 USD/month, or 100USD/year.

Not just monetary cost, but manpower cost for needing to vet code that might be generated by an AI:

And as mentioned already, the legality of the code generated when derived from codebases with incompatible licensing is still raging on. It is a grey area that Haiku or really most (if not all) projects should prolly best avoid until the matter is settled.

If the legal debate lands on the negative side and Haiku took in code with incompatible licensing, then it could cost the entire project. If it ends up positively on the legal side, then the developers may reconsider it. Wait and see until then.


Fair enough🙂


Will the code self-destruct? Will the owner of the code hire someone to kill all the Haiku developers?

Sorry that makes no sense at all. If the legal debate lands on the negative side, and the owner of the code that was copied complains about it to Haiku, and the license they used is incompatible with the one used by Haiku, we would have to remove said code from Haiku. That’s all. Then we can replace it with something else and move on. At worst the code made it into a release and we have to remove that from our dowloads.

Most likely we would just need to add credits for the people who wrote the code in AboutSystem.


That was really more of a worse case scenario, but sure. Still, it’s prolly better to just avoid the potential mess altogether.

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