Getting Started

Does anyone have or know of a way to help someone who wants to start helping on the DEV side. I am new to all of this. I have been on the iSeries for years (16) (iSeries or AS/400 doing COBOL/RPG/CL) and have been a long time user of BeOS and have starred at Haiku for years hoping to help out and I think it’s time for me to just dive in and help out where I can.

I need to set up a development workstation where I can do the work. Is there a Doc or a easy set up guide to help me get going fast?

Is there someone who could put one together and post it so that I can either use BeOS 5 or Linux to get working and looking at the code to make some contribs.


Have a look at: ‘Getting Started’:
It has pretty much everything you need :slight_smile:

eNGIMa wrote:
Have a look at: 'Getting Started': It has pretty much everything you need :)

Thanks I am reading that now. Is there a way i can do this on my Mac? I have been using MacOSX for a while and if there is an easy way to get that running on my Mac I would like it, but I guess I would still need VMWare and such which does not run on MacOSX…yet…

yeh … I’ve tried QEMU on the Mac … but its very slow and proly not worthy of showing off Haiku.

I’m waiting for VMWare to release their Mac version. They’ve announced it’s coming … but that’s all I know.

The other option would be, if you had an Intel based Mac, you could use Parallels. There’s some threads in there where guys have had some success with it.

davidvasta wrote:
eNGIMa wrote:
Have a look at: 'Getting Started': It has pretty much everything you need :)

Thanks I am reading that now. Is there a way i can do this on my Mac? I have been using MacOSX for a while and if there is an easy way to get that running on my Mac I would like it, but I guess I would still need VMWare and such which does not run on MacOSX…yet…

Here’s how to get Haiku to work in Parallels:

  • Download a nightly build (悠々ライフ)
  • Rename the haiku.image file to haiku.hdd
  • Use ImageTool to resize the hdd file to 120MB.
  • Create a new VM in Parallels, with Guest OS Type as Windows.
  • Set the Hard Drive to the haiku.hdd file that you downloaded.

You may be able to find more info/help here:


I was thinking more along the lines of writing the code, checking it out and such. Do the DEV tools in MacOSX have the right things to be able to work with the Haiku Code?

davidvasta wrote:
I was thinking more along the lines of writing the code, checking it out and such. Do the DEV tools in MacOSX have the right things to be able to work with the Haiku Code?

Hi, David. I’m not a developer so I may not be the best person to answer this, but… as far as I know the cross-compilation tools have only been used, to my knowledge, under Linux-based systems.

That said, why not try following the Linux build guide and see if it works (afterall, isn’t OSX built on BSD?). If it doesn’t work, maybe that’s something you could help Eric Petit work on… I believe he’s the one who created the cross-compilation tools.

I don’t see why a OS X cross-compilation suite couldn’t be developed, as the requisites are GCC and SVN, which should both be available for your platform.

yeh see how you go (and let us know) with this … I had a crack at using FreeBSD to do some work, but didn’t get far and in all honesty, I never got back into it.

Sikosis wrote:
yeh see how you go (and let us know) with this ... I had a crack at using FreeBSD to do some work, but didn't get far and in all honesty, I never got back into it.

What team are you a lead on Sikosis?

The "Preference Apps" … ie. Apps and Prefs Apps

I actually need to spend sometime to do a post-WC review on what’s “left” to do with these, but they’d probably be the easiest apps to jump into and do some coding on.

Otherwise, if you see something you want to work on, let me know.


I appoligize in advance for posting something that’s probably related to a trivial problem (such as a dependency problem).

My setup:

Dependecies which didn’t resolve by default:
…(maybe a complechecklist of build dependencies would be nice for newbs such as myself)

while doing a regular --build-cross-tools I get “warnings treated as errors” errors and a build halt.

on the other hand --build-cross-tools-gcc4 x86 works fine BUT when I try to ./configure target=haiku, I get a architecture unsupported error i486-platform… or something of the likes.

So here are my questions:

  1. Is the “warning treated as errors” a dependency problem or is there a way to turn “error on warning” for this build?

  2. How can I invoke the configure script if I build the tools with gcc4 (for x86)?



That’s intentional! You don’t want to run configure again after building the cross-compiler tools. The act of building the cross-compiler tools automatically sets target=haiku, and creates the BuildConfig with all proper settings. Running configure again after that would break your environment and change it to use your native host GCC (Ingo actually just added that check to the configure script to prevent accidentally re-running it).

You should be able to simply run “jam -q haiku-image” or even just “jam” now in order to build. Try it!

As for the problems during the 2.95.3 cross-compiler build - I’m guessing that you indicated that you had to install those additional tools manually to make the compile work.

If it got to the end of the cross-tools build and says “successful” then you’re probably fine. You could test with a jam.