[In response to 32bit webkit builds beeing unmaintainable]
Maybe someone can write a Native gemini client we can ship aswell ; )
That already exists,have a look at Bemini by @coolcoder613
It’s a client for Haiku, yes. But not really a native client.
It’s written in Python,but it uses the native BeAPI GUI using some bindings.
I’d say that counts as native,at least more than Qt or GTK applications.
I disagree. Qt also uses the native decorator library to draw it’s gui. That doesn’t make it native either.
Beeing native is a lot more than just calling into some native libraries, especially considering responsivenesss towards BMesssages.
Also, a python dependant app in the main haiku distriibution is a no-go for me. Python based tools we use now already suffer from not every dev speaking python and thus isssues staying around for a darn long time. (for example haikuporter)
It is no different, in my opinion, from programs written in Yab.
What do you mean about responsiveness towards BMessages? I’m pretty sure Haiku-PyAPI programs are just as responsive towards BMessages as C++ programs.
Apart from python beeing even more foreign than basic, not really. But I don’t see where I claimed YAB programs are native. Seems like a bit of a strawman argument to me.
I see.
You appear have quite a narrow definition of native.
Could you clearly spell out what exactly you do and do not consider native?
I’m not interested im debating specifics about that. This was already done recently.
Please see this post instead: (solved) Audacious has the mark 'native' in haikudepot - #39 by PulkoMandy
I think I mostly agree with the definition set down in that post. I do think Bemini meets that definition, unless you would care elaborate why it would not?
Sorry? What does this serve? I already said I am not interested in rehashing this discussion again.
Sorry to join in, but if you don’t want the native/non-native discussion to happen again (I don’t want that either, by the way) , why did you mention the topic in the first place?
This native/non-native discussion is getting way out of hand IMHO. We should be happy that people like @coolcoder613 are joining the community, writing applications and even language bindings for Python (you might like the language or not, but it is one of the most popular languages atm. , so I see the python bindings as a big plus for Haiku).
There is no problem with people writing applications like that, it is a benefit to the community.
The only problem (in this context)
Was that this post was in a topic about 32bit webkit beeing dropped, and a native 32bit gemini client could be an alternative to ship in 32bit haiku
Waddlesplash moved this post and some responses but the context seems to have been lost because of this.
And as for this, why would Bemini be in the main distribution? Netsurf isn’t. I think that would come under the heading of unnecessary bloat in the main image. I do, however, think that Haiku-PyAPI should be considered for inclusion in the beta images.
Alright, I didn’t get that. Thanks for explaining.
With PyAPI available, Python may be proposed as the standard scripting language for Haiku in the same fashion as ARexx is the standard for AmigaOS and AppleScript for MacOS.
Skipping The native-non-native debate i really think in this:
If The webkit 32 bits will be abbandoned. Increase The compatibility with The smollweb, gemini and gopher (as i said time ago) in webpositive sounds good for me. Anyway, without webkit updates in some time it doesn’t work fine with some sites…
Some volunteer? Im not a developer heheheh