Full size titlebar possible?


this is the first time for me on Haiku/Be and I really like it since it has a nice clean interface but there is this one thing which makes it unuseable for me, so is there any way to use a full size titlebar instead of this tiny tabbed left thing?

Yes, there’s a gray shaded edge you can drag around to make it fill the sides or top/bottom of the screen. I’ve got mine moved around to look like a Windows task bar at the bottom of the screen.

agmsmith, s/he’s talking about the yellow tab of the windows.

The only way to change it is through decorators, but they aren’t so popular. You can try moving and resizing the window with Ctrl + Alt. Left click the window to move it, right click it to resize.

This is a decorator that comes with the Haiku source (MacDecorator), but it has a bug. You won’t be able to resize the window clicking it’s corner.

Rename it to MacDecorator and place it in “~/config/non-packaged/add-ons/decorators/”. Then select it in the “Appearance” preferences, under the look and feel tab.

The tabs can also be connected together to help you quickly move between windows. Check out the user guide to see how to do this.

Not sure why this would make Haiku “unusable” for anyone, it’s almost an irrelevancy. Is it a case of the tab being distracting and too different from other operating systems?

Not sure if it’s related to the tab issue in your case, but opened window attributes can be changed to show the complete path on the upper bar, open new window in same window, etc.

Oops, right, I was thinking DeskBar, not TitleBar.

People who have trembling hands or limited movement would have trouble clicking the tab, I think.

People who have trembling hands or limited movement would have trouble clicking the tab, I think.[/quote]

That would be very specific trembling: Having a 600px instead of a 300px wide title bar would help extreme horizontal trembling, but won’t help the vertical, as the bar is still just 30px high…

As has been said before, CRTLALT plus left/right mousebutton gives you the entire window area to move/resize a window. So aiming can’t be the issue.


Which makes no sense if you use different workspaces…

exactly, I am primary a mousepad user(and the scrollbar scroll down button is miles away from the titelbar which makes it completly uncomfortable)

This is a decorator that comes with the Haiku source (MacDecorator), but it has a bug. You won’t be able to resize the window clicking it’s corner.[/quote]

well, that was a step forward but without the resize corner it’s not really better

  • guess I will stay on X11 with openbox then - anyway thx

can you pls explain whats the trouble with different workspaces and stack andn tidle?
I cant see a problem there

exactly, I am primary a mousepad user(and the scrollbar scroll down button is miles away from the titelbar which makes it completly uncomfortable) [/quote]

ok i have the same setup here and its not a problem for me at least… but you can change the appereance of the scrollbars so that you have up and down arrows on top and bottom. This should at least solve the problem to move the cursor to much.