Froze up while installing

I know this has been discussed a several times but apparently no one yet had a problem when the installation (from DVD) got all frozen up at the “Chip” (Loading CPU specific module). I was willing to set up Haiku on an old Acer laptop - Acer Aspire 3000. The CPU is (from BIOS) “Mobile AMD Semprom™ Processor 3000+” and its speed is 1800 MHz. I dont have any OS installed, HDD ir formatted. I did format the HDD with GParted Live which is meant for Linux architecture, I suppose. Might this bring any problems? Formatted HDD as ntfs.

Earlier I tried to instal Haiku with bootable flash drive but then I realized that the old laptop of mine doesnt support booting from USB port. So I burned a DVD with the *.iso … Any suggestions. Preferably in an easy language so I can understand, not that much of a pro in these things, just learning. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

What version of Haiku OS you use?
4.1 Alpha or latest nightly build?

R1/Alpha 4.1

Is the nightly build a better version and could resolve my problems? Where can I get it, apparently its not on the “Get Haiku”…?

If you run into problems again try to hold down shift key.
and chose safe mode.

More informations about this bootloader menu can be found here:

It could also help to enable the debug option so that you can tell us more in detail when the boot process stops.

You could also use the Ultimate Boot CD or some similar tool (Plop boot manager, etc) to first boot from a CD and then load Haiku from USB from there.