Forums getting really flaky!

I’ve been getting a lot of errors when posting or viewing the forums lately… when I try again, it usually goes through with no problems… does a server need to be rebooted somewhere?

just got one trying to submit this post:

phpBB : Critical Error

Error clearing sessions table


SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table ‘phpbb_sessions’; try to repair it

DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1139361734 AND session_id <> ‘80ac90bc0f17e25238d40da230eeda9d’

Line : 326
File : sessions.php

Been having the same errors~!

phpBB : Critical Error

Error clearing sessions table


SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table 'phpbb_sessions'; try to repair it

DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1139373973 AND session_id <> 'cd6bd7faa30b83637de7ec689cc27d75'

Line : 326
File : sessions.php

Same here too. :frowning:

Yeah same here, seems that I get this message more and more often :frowning:

I’ll put my name on the list for the same error too. No big deal though. Nobody should complain about a free service that many people have put a lot time into especially if they haven’t donated to the project yet. Just a FYI.

skyBurn7 wrote:
I'll put my name on the list for the same error too. No big deal though. Nobody should complain about a free service that many people have put a lot time into especially if they haven't donated to the project yet. Just a FYI.

Complaining? – I was only concerned about the health of the server. I also consider myself a pseudo-veteran and feel obligated to bring any issues to the attention of the admin staff.

Please don’t consider my post in the website team forum a complaint.

I also might add that I HAVE donated :slight_smile:

I’m getting this too. I find reloading fixes it quickly, but if posting, click back and post again.

I think it’s a server problem. But since I don’t have anything other than an ftp login, I really don’t know =/

I emailed a few people over the weekend, we’ll see if I can get any information.

yep Michael logged in and fixed it …

I’ve just upgraded the forums to 2.0.19 from 2.0.17 - should have done that about a month ago. Sorry for that.