This is a bit OT but I’m really starting to get annoyed by posts getting flagged and hidden. I genuinely am interested in his reply to me (I assume it is). And if it was rude, well, I can handle that.
Same here.
Wasn’t there a button/link to show hidden posts until some months ago?
Why was this option removed?
For real. Not cool.
The ongoing censorship is out of control.
Trust me, the people in control of censoring are smart enough to know when a discussion turns into an argument and degrades into name calling and… and… yeah.
That isn’t really the point. I’m sure we can all identify who’s a troll and who is here to have an honest discussion. We can’t necessarily discern that when we are blocked from seeing it. We’re all big boys now and don’t need mothers to cover our ears from the mean words. If it’s truly vulgar or threatening, that is a different story.
Updated my original post. Sorry for the noise everyone, especially @BlueSky.
being a censor is just a power trip for weak powerless malevolent people full of Animus
Flags hiding posts is usually only temporary untill a moderator aproves it. on this case another moderator flagged this, and I approved the flag.
It is somewhat amusing that you seem to have a problem with internet netiquette, and turn to complain every time this topic comes up.
This is a self made problem for you, nobody is forcing you to behave inappropriate.
There is a moderator action maybe once a week, or a couple of days apart. That‘s hardly anything. For the most part this Forum is civil on it‘s own, and from my observation mods tend to disagree with user flagged posts much more than agreeing with them. So I don‘t really see a problem.
No worries, it’s all good. I come across as a bit harsh as well from time to time in these discussions. Just shows that we care about our OS, right?
As the starter of this discussion I feel the need to distance myself from these “censorship” conspiracy “theories” that are floating around here. I simply was annoyed that I couldn’t see the reply to my post. That was all. It’s a discussion about a forum feature, folks.
As @nipos already noted, there was a feature to see a post even if it was flagged as not appropriate. Is there a possibility to bring that back?
I‘m not sure wether that was removed intentionally or done by a software upgrade.
Personally I prefer the new behaviour, but others may disagree.
Maybe @nielx can shine some light on this
edit: it looks like there is a new group for users who can view hidden posts Cannot see hidden posts - #4 by Moin - support - Discourse Meta
You can contact the user in private and ask them about it. I have no problem with people having an argument in private.
But, when these things are done publicly, it just heats up the discussion, everyone gets more agressive and it is not at all useful or constructive. No one wants to read thousands of posts with people just insulting each other.
It is a change in forum software.
I’m pretty sure that like me you’re wondering what is a TL4 user so I looked for the explanation.
Users are belonging to different categories depending of level of trust. So TL4 stands for Trust Level 4. You can see here the different user level and what they are allowed to do.
There are a lot of posts coming to the moderators inbox, so I guess it is more about a lot of reports coming in, and that they need to be reviewed rather than moderators spending their spare time censoring people.
Me personally I am rather clueless on how to properly review things there…
I moderate /r/Amd a bit… and frankly its thankless work, the mods here are doing fine, I’ve had a few posts hidden temporarily (because I sometimes post inconvenient opinions or call people out on behavior, which is valid against me as well on occasion)
If your posts keep getting hidden you need to improve your discourse, that is all there is too it, be better at conveying your thoughts… its a pretty low bar honestly.
I used to be a moderator somewhere else in the past and I can tell it is, as @cb88 puts it, thankless work - and a lot of work as well.
Moderation here seems to be at a low bar, and “inconvenient opinions” are accepted (as they should). Personally, I value freedom of speech and I would never tolerate censorship. So far I didn’t felt I have to do anything special in order to avoid moderation action against me.
If comments are hidden before I see them then how can I possibly pass comment on how reasonable the moderation is? It becomes a secret. A more sophisticated system would be one of censure rather than censor. If the offense is visible and the censure (something like three warnings and you’re out) is public, then good moderation is seen to be done.
Usually these tools are designed for people who love to “moderate” (censor). That is not to accuse moderators here of that desire, but to say that is why those tools exist.
It has to look more “pleasant” in order to make it more acceptable to prevent things they don’t like from being said. Because most systems that exist, posts can just be deleted if they are truly not OK things to say, instead of hidden when people flag them. This hiding-on-flag feature is for people who have fear that someone might see something they wouldn’t like for them to see.
If someone is just sitting here cussing, posting inappropriate pictures, or threatening people, just delete the post, and remove their account if they’re trouble. I have been asked before to be “nice”, and I did in fact have continued conversation and things went well afterwards.
We aren’t all a bunch of dissidents who need to be controlled, or babies who need to be taught how to speak. Even more so, we aren’t little children who need to have our eyes and ears covered when something mean is said. I think as community members, we should be able to see what is being said and done, not have it hidden from us.
Also the reasoning for stifling discussion, namely, “unconstructive, doesn’t lead anywhere, a bunch of people insulting each other back and forward” is moot, since that falls under “off-topic”. If someone is contributing to a topic meanly, then oh well. If not, then remove/move posts that are off-topic.
When a forum member asked me off topic questions on my thread, and I said “that’s not helpful” with a smiley face. I was reprimanded by a developer for “reprimanding” and “creating friction”.
I don’t know what the OP said that was flagged, but based off of what people get upset about, it seems like someone’s time is better spent giving input to the actual question, or discussing something useful to Haiku the OS, not micromanaging Haiku the community forum.