Flat Decorator and ControlLook

it can be good if have the 2 classics, but is good to have a new one too, more fresh. Haiku need it a lot.


Yes, that was what I was thinking as well.

I was even thinking if someone could make a BeOS-style theme we could include that too.

it is already one there, but the control look disappear for me, i am using the Be decorator.
But no control look in game with it.


I don’t understand why everyone says that. It seems possible to draw shadows without compositing? What would be the problem there?

Sure it creates some more redrawing (you need to redraw the windows that are under the shadow, and then add the shadow over that), but it could work.

The real problem is that shadows look ugly and disturbing to me :laughing: . I usually work with a lot of overlapping window and they would just get in the way, obscuring things that I want to keep visible. And they do not bring a lot of value. The main arguments seem to be “it looks nice” (this is subjective) and “it makes the active window easier to see” (we already have a solution for that, making the window border highlighted).


The difference to me seems that for drawing the window is considered to be obscured but for pointer events it is not obscured, I don’t know if we have something like that yet but we would probably need that for rounded window borders too, which is clearly the next step after shadows.

I don’t see a technical reason why this wouldn’t work without compositing apart from such an api maybe not existing yet? I haven’t checked anyhow.

I was always hoping that Haiku could get window compositing working for my HiQDock to have a true transparent background :slightly_smiling_face:


But that’s still Qt based, right?

Yes - the Qt APIs to set window to transparent would have to be hooked to native if/when Haiku native APIs supported window transparency.

Old school design and philosophy is what I love on Haiku, and why I really want it to be a solid alternative to Windows, MacOS, GNOME, KDE, etc…
I really don’t need shadows, I don’t want it and I don’t want Haiku to lose it’s attractivity because of modern things…


Any update on this beautiful flat and dark decorator ?


Unfortunately as of hrev55399, the Flat decorator is broken again:

The Flat ControlLook meanwhile doesn’t cause the system to die, but it doesn’t seem to actually be applied anymore even when selected:


Hi @win8linux , for the decorator, try with the binaries in https://github.com/unarix/haiku_darkstyle/tree/master/FlatDecorator/objects.x86_64-cc8-release
only 64; Its not tested in 32bit yet.

The controlLook continues with issues, so i dont update the depot package yet until i can fix it.

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The decorator from GitHub works:


Excelent! try to redownload again… i just push last changes (the last pixel border in your version are always gray, in this vertion, fusions with the selected tab color).




I really, really love this. Your work is wonderfull. Really adds a nice touch to Haiku. I just want to ask. The controls when I select the “Flat” option don’t seem to change. Am I missing something?


Thanks @DFergFLA! If you get the binaries from the repo, you need to restat tracker to see the changes. If you use the package from the depot, it will not work in BETA3.

The binaris in the repo for the decorator are stable, for the controllook sometimes cause fall in debugland (are for test only).

Copy&Paste the instruction for install:

Install of controlLook:

Copy the binary “FlatControlLook” (https://github.com/unarix/haiku_darkstyle/tree/master/FlatControlLook/objects.x86_64-cc8-release) in the path: “/boot/home/config/non-packaged/add-ons/control_look” (if not exist the folder, create it).


You need to restart the computer or quit “Deskbar” and “Tracker” services from “ProcessControler” (they will restart auto).

If in your case works ok, let me know! In my case breaks at the shutdown process.


Thank you, the difference is somewhat shubtle but I do believe I have it now. I really do like the look of what you have done here. Thanks

Flat Decor

There seems to be some kind of drawing bug with the grabber.

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Can someone tell me what this means?

KERN: runtime_loader: /boot/home/config/non-packaged/add-ons/control_look/FlatControlLook.o: Incorrect ELF header