[FIXED] Navigating buttons' recent issue in Webpositive


My experience on Haiku Nightly 64 bit :

Recently the known trick to switch to another tab does not help anymore on known issue to activate the navigating buttons in Webpositive.

Unfotunately the feauture of other browsers - where I can use a right mouse click on a loaded page and ‘Back’ is come up with other options - had not implemented yet.

Fortunately the pages are mostly view/use in Webpositive are Haiku services - there are other options on the page itself to go back, selecting a page object/button/etc. and for caution some links I open to use a new tab … however sometimes it would be more easier if I could use the navigation buttons - especially if I would move back and after forward to check something again.

Is there anyone who has the same experiences ?

The bug is already reported on the bugtracker, and already fixed in webkit. It will be fixed in the next webkit release when someone does one.


Thanks for the reply, ACK.

Navigating issue fixed with recently released HaikuWebKit 1.9.18

Also navigating is present with mouse right click on loaded pages - navigation possibilities appears at top of the pop-up menu item … as in case the loaded page has history on an affected tab.

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